Sakis - My trip to Iceland

Last year i traveled with a close friend to Iceland. It was our dream for years which finally was fulfilled. We departed early morning from UK and after few hours of a comfortable journey we landed on the frozen land of Iceland. Despite it was 1st May weather was quite cold and temperature was around 2 C. We are cold weather lovers so we enjoyed it.
Your first impression soon after you get out of the airport is that i have landed on another planet. Huge stones and lava fields everywhere, it is like our ancient Greek God Zeus have thrown stones from the sky. Check some pics to see what i mean



A typical tundra landscape also vast seen in Iceland



The first place we visited was famous Blue lagoon a geothermal spa which is one of the famous attractions in this country. Personally i would say there are more wonderful places in Iceland. But ok it is close to the airport so it is a must. Water temperature in the bathing and swimming area of the lagoon averages 37–39 °C and it was really fascinating to swim under light snow, unique experience for sure. See some of my pics below






If you want to ask anything for Iceland please feel free to do it, my travel story will be continued in parts as i have many places and photos to show you. STAY TUNED and THANK YOU ALL.

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