Why Surfing Produces the Ultimate State of Flow

When I asked physicist Nassim Haramain "what has being a surfer taught you about wave physics" his reply was simple and yet profound: "it's taught me what it's like to be the particle in the wave" he said.

"Few activities on earth allow you to experience first hand, what is taking place all around us on various orders of magnitude"

From light waves to sound waves - waves are the unifying dynamic in the universe. But it is only when they travel through water as a medium to create ocean waves, that they actually slow down to a human perceivable speed. And not only is this speed Percievable to us, but as surfers we can participate in the dynamic, combining our energy with the waves. And these two fields of energy synchronize, the macro filters down to the micro, resonating on a vibratory cellular level to produce an effect we experience as ultimate flow.

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