I am late with my Portugal posts, but had to share this incredible dinner with you! 

After a long day of sightseeing, our amazing driver slash tour guide decided to take us to the most amazing local place where they serve seafood and fresh fish. 

The place had loads of local delicacies like cheese, fish pate, bread and beans. 

We decided to get a giant seafood platter for two of us, hahah it looked big but we managed to demolish all of it.  

@Nanzo-scoop had the most amazing fish dorada and so we decided to order that too! The soup was so yummy and delicious, I really did enjoy the dinner and wanted to share some food porn with you guys!  

Let me know what is your favourite seafood or fish?  

All the photography is ORIGINAL AND MINE.  

Lots of love, 

Alla xox 

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