Starbucks in Japan

Hey steemers!

Most of us need our coffee to get through the day, and if you live in the city like me, then you know starbucks is around every corner.
The ones in the United States are not that fancy, and are blown out of the water by the stunning starbucks located in Japan.
I discovered them through a youtube video I'll link at the end of this post, it's highly worth the watch!

Location #1: Kansui park, Toyama
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Built mostly from glass, being located right next to a river, sitting on bright green grass, and featuring a porch like area looking out at the river
are only some of the highlights of this starbuck. This is definitely my top choice to visit when I visit Japan.

Location #2: Shibuya (located in Tokyo)
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Overlooking Shibuya crosswalk, the busiest crosswalk in the world, this starbuck allows you to sit and watch just how many people are crossing at any given time! I imagine this starbuck is incredibily busy, given the amount of people going through there at any given time.

**Location #3: Hakodate (located in Hokkaido)
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You might think this location looks like a barn, but its the inside of the shop that is stunning. Check out the video just to see how
cozy this multilevel starbucks is on a cold winter day. They even have a fireplace!

Let me know which location is your favorite, or if you have visited any of these locations.
Hope you remember to visit atleast one of these if your planning a trip to japan.
Steem on everyone!

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