You Don't Need To Be A Trader!!

Hello everyone, this is my first post here! And I’m both grateful and very excited to finally write on this platform.
I wondered about what to talk about for the past week or so and I finally decided to tell you my biggest internal conflict for the past two years, and that’s whether I should pursue Trading as a career or should I do what I enjoy and just try to make a living out of it.

I know that most people say that you have to do the logical thing and following your dreams is for the movies( or for the rich honestly) and that you should ignore your emotions and just try to make a decent living and plan for your retirement.

To be honest with you guys, recently I have come to a realization that life is too short to follow anything other than your passions, and I know sometimes we have to do jobs and gigs just for the money but at the end of the day, what will truly make you happy, is the job not the income. Or at least that’s my belief.

The potential income from trading especially with the rise of prop firms is tempting to say the least. And if you know how to trade and it is your dream job, by all means, go for it! And I wish the best for you. But if you have other passions and you’re just trying to do the “Logical” thing, you might want to rethink this.

My perception of logic and reason has changed in the past few months. You see, I think considering your emotions and your passions is logical and ignoring them will only lead to an unhappy and miserable life.
Now that doesn’t mean you should completely let loose and say “ I only do things that I 100% love and if it feels inconvenient, even a little bit, I will not do it!” How about 50%? I mean, who said it always should be either 0 or 100?
How about we compromise a bit and keep a sense of reality in our actions, but not as much to become a heartless robot that only thinks about paying the bills or his biggest dream is having a lamborghini!!!

I mean if you really think about it, most of the successful people that you see love their jobs and will talk about it any chance they get. How many millionaires do you know that hate their businesses?
That being said, we all know by now that life is not fair, it just isn’t. And there are people that are born in more privileged countries and there are people that are born into absolute poverty.
And in these circumstances it’s almost impossible to believe that happiness and fulfillment can be achieved. Hopelessness and misery seem to be all there is and happiness never looked more far away.
But what can we do right now? That is the question. Maybe you can’t do your dream job right now, many of us can’t, but does that mean we should take any job or do whatever our families tell us is “The Best Option”? Well, I refuse to believe that’s the only way we can make it.
So, what should we do? I may be wrong about this and I will be more than happy to hear about what you guys think about this, but I think we should do the jobs that we like, In other words, what can we do right now that we both like, and can make money off of it. For me right now is just writing, oblivious I know, but it’s what I can do right now.
I know I'm not that good at it, at least not yet, but I enjoy it, and that’s enough.
I really want to hear what you guys think about this matter and it would be great if you would share your experiences with me and others.

So, that’s it! Sorry for the poor grammar and word choice as you can already guess, I’m not a native speaker but I try to get better I promise. And thanks for your time and please feel more than welcome to share your opinion in the comments.

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