What Should I Do? If The Loss 10 Times In A Row?


Traders often on first experience when facing the transaction loss streak to 10 times the mental block. From the pessimism that began to erode the trust himself, until the worst IE despair. Restore the confidence needed to get the best performance. here before you continue your trading passion, try asking yourself some of the following questions:

Try to define Loss Streak was what?

Often traders are focusing on the outcome, but the process is often neglected because of the stunning results or results are terrible. You are trying to re-think, review the definition of loss streak in your transaction.

If you are a person who wants to reach a good performance results, certainly you have a method or its own way of doing the transaction.

so we only consider loss streak if the condition of the rules, methods and systems of trading you are met in such transactions.

Conversely, if the loss streak (although in the recent times the loss) you momentarily led astray in a transaction that violates the rules and your own trading system, this should be ignored. This type of loss is categorized the types of loss due to ketidaksiplinan and carelessness of the traders themselves. Of course this is not included in your planning in building a good performance with clear rules, where the discipline following the rules of the trading price was dead.

So you just need to re-think, if loss streak since momentarily led astray, trading ssitem you still have a good performance, why not do that with more rules of discipline?

  1. How do I proceed?

If you realize that you don't have rules and you don't have a structured approach, you need to set it.

Trading is not just finding entry and try a new indicator. You must create rules that you can follow if you want to trade like a pro. The rules will ensure that Your dealings have more consistency. because only trade with disiplinn, then you can interpret your results and find out where the problem is. If you do not have a detailed strategy, all your trades will look different and analyze your results will not provide information that could be called means or is not valid.

If you want consistent results, start by following the rules of trading are consistently first. Most traders do it the opposite way and wonder why the results are not in accordance with their wishes. think different!

  1. MenilaiLoss streak properly

Suppose you follow the rules and systems of trading you're disciplined and you still experience loss streak, then if should place it in a different perspective and see it in a larger context to keep you so as not to panic and stay calm.

  1. do I have to win right now?

This may sound strange but it is a very important point. If you are new to trading, don't worry too much about how much money can you earn or how much you have to produce.

Especially during the first 24 months 6 – you, your focus should not be on your trading performance or on your overall returns, but you have to work on yourself.

"Don't try to run before you can walk."

Trading is a new skill and you have to learn these things in depth so that could be one of your skills. Every time we start something new, we would not expect to become proficient after a few weeks. In trading, the audience often forget this is because trading looks very simple and you see infinite potential when you look at it.

be sober on the position where you starting today. Focus on yourself, on building a structured approach, find yourself as a trader and do not direct all your energy towards victory. You're not going to win for the first one or two years instantly and it will just prolong your trip are not necessary.

  1. Learn from defeat

Often, the loss could also provide insights into the great one's trading approach. Look for similarities between the loss that occurs.

Often, traders did not see a problem in front of them because their focus is sucked in their emotions. they feel right and stubbornness that can make them fall so it appears high pessimism.

Raising awareness is a big step, preventing the occurrence of momentarily led astray because of the emotions, as well as creating clear rules with discipline that will optimally will help traders passing through unproductive emotion.

To ease you in reviewing the repeated in the face of loss streak, the following questions that you can answer in the event of unfavorable conditions terssebut.

a. If I do everything right and if I follow the rules I am 100% and trade does not work, or do myself that cause harm?

b. is the rule I have is not relevant in the market conditions?

c. How my trading results in a year? How many win-loss ratio and return him?

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