RE: The Coinigy Market Scanner will be a game changer

Hi Luc,

Firstly, thankyou for your content. I was very sad when you pulled your YouTube channel, as I had only discovered your videos 2 days prior, and was very happy to see you re-emerge.

As a result of watching your videos, I have started 'day trading' (or more appropriately, 'after work and on weekends when I get time away from my 2 year old' trading.

I have some questions:

  1. I recently bought a cracked base on the BTC/ETH pair. Looking at the potential percentage (assuming a return to form rather than an outsized bounce), I was a little disappointed that it was quite small. How do I increase my percentages? Trading low-cap coins only?

  2. Given the possible 10% upside, I felt a little cheated - like I had risked a lot for not much gain. Does it feel like that all the time?

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