Let's get rich!

By trom:
I am done with tagging the rest of the interviews...13 hours of footage. The tagging and clipping is very rough. To give me a clue about what is there still. And it is a fuck ton. I will have to spend the next days trying to figure out how to continue with the documentary. Right now I have two main feelings:

To only take a few things from it all, and make 1 more 1h long TROM II final part. And the rest to post them as raw after we release the documentary. I am not the happiest with this approach and TROM II will still be interesting but not epic :D.
To continue it for the next many months and make it as long as it needs in order to present all that I want to present.
But I do not have the money to make it like point 2. I can maybe have money for 3 or so months. But in 2 or so months I need to decide what to do money wise. I may work in cleaning with my family for this summer idk. But then probably we will have to move and we are broke. So as uncomfortable and fucked up as it is, in 2, max 3 months, I have to finish. Either the entire documentary or pause the work indefinitely. And then focus on how to make money. And knowing me I won't be able to make money because I cannot work in any job, nor is like I can find any. Plus I am already getting very tired with the work I am putting into TROM.
The TROM project is not dying. The world is. Because TROM is still relevant, very much so. Actually it explains this society in a way I have not seen any other project do. So simple, so powerful. And we also have an antidote to this trade problem. On top of this we have many projects and we are active. But well, the world is dying around us, so we get little to no financial support to keep this going.
How interesting. When I made the first TROM documentary 11 years ago I was so broke and my future looked very shaky. Guess what? Here I am, in exactly the same situation. Actually it is somehow better now. My family at least is not in debt anymore and I have a little financial support. But not enough to continue.
In any case what can I say!? I'd love to continue to make TROM II epic and work for as many months as it needs to. I'd love to add more projects to trom.tf, more documentaries to videoneat.com, improve tromjaro, and so forth. Write more books - definitely! Make more videos!
I want to create/enable more useful services, I want to create more educational content.
Can I, society?
I cannot. No place for me it seems.
It's ok, I'll be a good citizen and go sell more shit and scam people. Be a charlatan, a businessman. A con artist. A consumer,a merchant. Will be something like that maybe. Only then I can survive in this world.
Let's make more plastic! Let's pollute more! Let's make more nonsense things and services! Let's restrict access tho those who cannot pay!
Let's do it folks!
So yeah, in 2-3 months max, I will end TROM II. Either it all, or the work on it. Then I'll see. I will try not to fall into a black hole of problems. I will try to keep myself sane and not extremely stressed.

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