Salt mines.

Fans of extreme adventures will surely like my next article, which will be devoted to excursions to the salt mines of Soledar!
We began our tour of the salt mine with the instruction, basically it all comes down to the fact that not to touch anything in the wrong place not to go and to follow all the instructions of our guide. I think everyone knows that without a helmet in a mine is impossible, and therefore it is here also attached.

After that our tour group in a special "Elevator" which in the language of miners, called the cage, was lowered into the mine. Just imagine the crate for fifteen minutes down to a depth of 300 m. So that impressions from the descent will definitely last a lifetime.

I must say that the temperature in the mine is kept at 14°C to 16°C. Therefore, if you decide to visit in the summer – dress warmly in cold season temperature very comfortable.

Salt mines of Soledar has formed in the Ancient oceans. So only here you have a unique opportunity to walk on its bottom.

Mine are all made of salt, walls, and floors. And in order to check, you can always try the taste.

Due to the ions of salt, which it contains, even in the air in a salt mine the cleanest conditions, even much sterile as an surgical room. The usual guided tour, which lasts one and a half hours, replaces the 15 inhalation procedures and guarantees that at least two and a half months you will not get sick.

So, after the descent, we took salt corridors, featuring a variety of unique exhibits. Will not describe in detail all tell me about the most interesting of them.

So, for example, very much of the famous Donetsk palm made of salt.

Imagine here at a depth of 300 m is even a chapel. The thing is that in the past the miners spent so many time in the mine, that they had done a Holy place. Here you can free to light a candle for the health.

And mine is an exhibition of paintings by local artists which are available for purchase.

Did you know that salt is not only white, but red. Red salt is generally a very rare mineral, it occurs once in 30 years. In a salt mine is an artificial stone red salt, they say it grants wishes. So, do not miss your chance .

At the end of the tour, our waited main exhibit salt mine is a huge hall. Just imagine its height is 28 metres is a 9-storey building and a width of 17 meters.

Often hosts various concerts, shows and so on.
And on New year every year is a huge tree, which is accompanied by a Christmas matinees for children and Christmas show for adults. The holidays last from December 15 to January 15.

In the salt room is a football field where everyone can play football. And for those who don't care about soccer, here is a small movie theater where we watched a film about the history of the salt mine. Also in the local mini-café you can buy coffee, tea and sweets. It will be a good addition to the movie.

After that we went back to the crate and went upstairs. Be sure to find a small crystal of salt, it will be a wonderful reminder of such a special tour!

If the souvenir could not be found, you will be able to buy it. This mine is located near the place of sale. From best-selling variety , suggest, purchase salt lamp. Just keep in mind that for best results, the lamp must be made from a solid piece of salt.

Tour to salt mines of Soledar is an unforgettable, extreme, and most importantly very good for your health!

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