Tourism in Venezuela in the State of Trujillo (Municipality of Valera) Part 5.

Mendoza Fría.

The Trujillanos have two Mendoza, one is Sabana de Mendoza, in the so-called low areas of the state and the other is Mendoza Fría, 21 kilometers southwest of Valera. Few of them know that the original name of this population is the pompous San Antonio Abad del Valle de Momboy.
It is affirmed that Mendoza Fría, and let us leave aside the holy and geographical nomenclature, was founded at the beginning of the XVII Century, in 1620 to please the fussy, by Francisco de la Hoz Berrio, who was at that time Governor of the province of Venezuela. In the same way, Captain Diego Jacinto de Valera y Meza was assured in 1687, enrolled the Indians and gave them officially the lands in the name of the Governor and the king.
Once the foundation was carried out, a group of settlers settled there, among whom Diego Hurtado de Mendoza stood out, whose final surname ended up bearing the original name.
Today, Mendoza Fría languishes on the road that joins Valera with the hyper advertised - and, according to the Trujillanos, taken by assault by the maracuchos - La Puerta.
Its streets are not different, at first look, many others that abound throughout the national territory. However, each door is entrance to a world of stories and traditions with which this population has made an immeasurable contribution to the conformation of this tropical babel, underdeveloped and adorable that we have by country.
Here in Mendoza Fría Antonio Nicolás Briceño was born, "El Diablo", named hero of our independence wars; and here was parish priest Francisco Antonio Rosario who built the first temple of the town in 1796. This clerk of arms was co-author of the decree of War to Death; but also the local oral tradition affirms that many females of the locality succumbed before the warlike sieges of the fly of the man of God ... I must mention at this point, that this unorthodox practice like that has not been abolished of a whole, since, they assert, another religious of remembered passage there left his seed planted in a graceful villager. From a distance they point to a waiter whom the neighbors call "Monseñor Chiquito".
In short, that Mendoza, huddled at the foot of these mountains and between those murmurs, sometimes hilarious, is a plot of stories and presents that put together what social scientists have called Identity. They are, and they know it. No conflict is generated mixing Italy with Mexico and be careful not to lose the past, while the young man moves with a bright yellow step talking from a cell phone while he goes home to breakfast a plate of mojito with arepas.

Picturesque village near Valera, with pleasant climate for all visitors to enjoy and share with your family, you can also find hotels, inns, restaurants and a variety of typical delicious dishes.

grocery store

Places to visit.

San Antonio Abad Church: It is one of the most colorful temples of rural Trujillana that presents parts of the Romanesque style and that combines with the modern. It is in front of the plaza in its high part as a watchman of the Christian faith.

La Cueva de los Muñecos.

Located in Mendoza Fría, La Mocojo sector, it is a type A mountain route of about 5 kms, which communicates with the Alto de Tomón and Monte Carmelo, in this area is the Cave of the Dolls of great attraction for practitioners of the caving, the cave dates from about 500 years ago and it has found remains that give an account of what was the craftsmanship of the aborigines who lived between the forest and the mountain, descendants of the Timotocuicas. It is thought that they were related to the Mayan, Aztec cultures, since in these lands pieces have been found, with a certain similarity to the well-known statues of figures of the Maya, quite polished and with a high quality finish. In this area there are also several wells that are of interest to the surrounding inhabitants and tourists.

Pre-Columbian Figure

Escalada en Mendoza Fría.

It is located in the Vicente Lagunas Velodrome, in the Mendoza Fría Parish. Belonging to the national network of climbing walls of the Venezuelan Federation of Mountaineering and Climbing, Trujillo section, ideal for those who feel attracted by this sport discipline.

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