Langsa city forest park tourist destination, Aceh Indonesia


morning friends, wherever you are, this time I want to post a recreational destination in the city of East Aceh, namely Langsa City Forest Park.
Geographically, Langsa City Forest is located on Jalan Perumnas, Paya Bujok Seulemak Village, Langsa Baro District, Langsa City, Aceh. To visit this forest, tourists must at least cover a distance of approximately 6 kilometers which can be reached by traveling for 20 minutes from the center of Langsa City. There are various alternatives to public transportation, or visitors can also use private vehicles.

Not only crowded with visitors from within the city, Langsa City Forest is also often visited by tourists from outside the area such as Aceh Tamiang, East Aceh, and even from North Sumatra. Indeed, the distance from North Sumatra to Langsa City is quite close when compared to Banda Aceh.


Langsa City Forest is not only a tourist destination, but also an educational medium for the community. In this forest there are more than 300 types of plants, as well as dozens of animals imported from various regions in the archipelago. Tourists can learn to get to know the types of plants, and also get closer to animals

When entering the entrance gate of Langsa City Forest, tourists will be immediately greeted with animal cages such as crocodiles, deer, snakes, monkeys, civets, hedgehogs and various types of birds. Tourists can feed the deer by buying packaged carrots for Rp. 2,000. Accompanied by their parents, the little children are very happy to feed the deer in this forest.

Inside this tourist spot, there is also a pool which is very unfortunate to have cloudy water. In this pool there are also rides for children's games, such as duck bikes that can be rented to get around the pool. The rental price is also quite cheap, but the murky water is a bit of an eyesore in the forest, if the water is clear, this forest will look even more enchanting.



Thus the post of tourist destinations in East Aceh, hopefully all friends can visit.Thus the post of tourist destinations in East Aceh, hopefully all friends can visit.

By, @rajaachenes100

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