Lubricating the Shift in Consciousness

Ever since the beginning of 2013 there has been an escalating interest and a need for a shift in consciousness. The general populations all over the world are taking a more critical look at the ruling classes and finding much is in need of change. Western nations are seeing that there is little difference between the overtly corrupt systems and their own more covert ones. The phenomena of Donald Trump, Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders expose this in the US, Brexit brought it to the surface in Europe, Russia and Ukraine in the east, the Soth China sea, an unconvincing election in Australia, and on it goes. We, the people, are looking for some meaning, and a way out of the mess. We are constantly told that the solution is the economy, but realistically it is the way the economy has been run, and still operates, that got us here in the first place. It appears as if there is aanyone innocent enough to be heard when they point out the Emperor has no clothes.

About a year ago I decided I wanted to see if I could influence consciousness in some possitive way, and so I began offering a free online 28-day Toltec Challenge which you can find at This challenge is only a taster of the principles and practices offered through Toltec for managing your personal reality. I never claim it is for everyone, because it will certianly be anathema for some. My experience is that for those who resonate it can completely change their perspectives on what they have control over. We haven't stopped there, but continued with dedicated groups exploring the nature of consciousness.

If you would like more on this subject please like my introductory article.

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