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Tips to be a good kitchen master

Being a Chef Professor is a different reason to see things. Because, as we have said before, the chef is the "chef", who directs, coordinates, plans and organizes the entire kitchen. To understand well what it means to "teach" we must ask a simple question; How, for example, how do I teach my students ?, and how do my students see me from their point of view? I am a little thick, drastic, I ask a lot, I talk a lot, I'm a little irritable ... etc? All these questions must be raised by a "good chef" who wants to go in search of an improvement.
In this section we will talk and we will present some tips or tips to be better teachers in the kitchen. And be designated by our students as one of the best teachers. Let's see a first case

  • A good chef never behaves to the height or profile of the student

This is a vagueness that we should not cultivate although it often costs us. In some cases-the teacher has or gives so much confidence that the students are the ones who play another role that should not be in a good class. The teacher as such must have a different personality from the students, more than anything else '' to respect ''. And never in his class should know the intimate or private life of the teacher, that is a lack of respect from the teacher more than the student. Because with it he says a lot; He is putting his dignity outside of what is common. We must not allow the excuses that many make, "I forget to be a teacher".
The teacher in this case must be responsible, punctual, with discipline, give confidence only and only in their cooking class; the rest, for example, private, intimate, social, ideological, etc., life should be separated from the class.
We must remember that we are teachers and we have a simple reason to be with them, "to teach" what it means to share, instruct, train, with rules and precepts. In the most didactic, understandable and understandable ways for students. And having a great patience.

  • Have a good patience

Patience is a good virtue that we should know how to cultivate and practice. And in the kitchen this term is well applicable. Patience in a specific context is: "The ability to suffer or endure something without being upset"; and patience, in a global or general context is applicable for all cases. And this is reflected in the way, how and how much we teach and demonstrate with our personality what we share. A good kitchen teacher is the one who with that "capacity or faculty" already developed shares "minutely" all his students without exceptions and without any interest. This is demonstrated when some student is slow to learn, when it is a bit ambiguous in quickly assimilating the knowledge; for it "a good kitchen teacher" should know how to interpret those signs and try to accommodate them as well as possible.
Never a good kitchen teacher should and should shout at someone or something. If a kitchen master shouts and gets irritated at all times and times, it is perhaps for a simple reason, "he does not know how to organize the work team well", this is due to the great lack of knowledge or practice at some point what should and should be improved To know if we have a good patience we must do a thorough self-examination and learn to ask the students because they, more than anyone, are in "reality" who will evaluate us to the last degree
