COWS-PIRACY...Does the" INDIAN " super power really suffer of a Cow Taboo?

Standing in her father’s room on the first floor, Sajida points to pieces of bricks near a broken bed, blood stains on the floor and on a loincloth which belonged to her father.
“They dragged my brother and father outside the room and used bricks which they found under his bed to beat them. My father was taken outside the house and beaten to death. My brother was dragged to the courtyard downstairs and they used bricks to hit him on the head and chest, leaving him unconscious. They also tried to molest me and hit my grandmother on her face. They threatened to kill me if I said a word to the police,” Sajida says.

RELIGIOUSFACT ;To the Hindu, the cow symbolizes all other creatures. The cow is a symbol of the Earth, the nourisher, the ever-giving, undemanding provider. The cow represents life and the sustenance of life. The cow is so generous, taking nothing but water, grass and grain. It gives and gives and gives of its milk, as does the liberated soul give of his spiritual knowledge. The cow is so vital to life, the virtual sustainer of life, for many humans. The cow is a symbol of grace and abundance. Veneration of the cow instils in Hindus the virtues of gentleness, receptivity and connection with nature. The key word being that cow veneration instils gentleness and receptivity...
CONSTITUITIONAL FACT:The seven fundamental rights recognized by the Indian constitution are:
Right to equality: Which includes equality before law, prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, gender or place of birth, and equality of opportunity in matters of employment, abolition of untouchability and abolition of titles.

Right to freedom: Which includes freedom of speech and expression, assembly, association or union or cooperatives, movement, residence, and right to practice any profession or occupation (some of these rights are subject to security of the State, friendly relations with foreign countries, public order, decency or morality), right to life and liberty, protection in respect to conviction in offences and protection against arrest and detention in certain cases.
Right against exploitation: Which prohibits all forms of forced labour, child labour and traffic of human beings

Right to freedom of religion: Which includes freedom of conscience and free profession, practice, and propagation of religion, freedom to manage religious affairs, freedom from certain taxes and freedom from religious instructions in certain educational institutes.

Cultural and Educational rights: Preserve the right of any section of citizens to conserve their culture, language or script, and right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice.

Right to constitutional remedies: Which is present for enforcement of Fundamental Rights.

Right to education: It is the latest addition to the fundamental rights.
The Indian Nation has various Religions that form part of their is a proudly secular nation.Hindus, Muslims,Christian , Sikhs , Buddhists, and Parsis live together in Various parts of the country harmoniously.
UNCONSTITUTIONAL FACT:The strictest laws are in Delhi, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, where the slaughter of cow and its progeny, including bulls and bullocks of all ages, is completely banned. Most States prohibit the slaughter of cows of all ages.
The ban on beef is, and historically has been, not a religious but a political move to make the Indian state more aligned as a Hindu nation, which is completely unconstitutional because India is a secular country.
Other Astonishing facts:India retains its top spot as the world’s largest exporter of beef, according to data released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and has extended its lead over the next highest exporter, Brazil. According to the data, India exported 2.4 million tonnes of beef and veal in FY2015, compared to 2 million tonnes by Brazil and 1.5 million by Australia. These three countries account for 58.7.
As rightly commented by an avid Indian hindu..
As expected, the primary focus is on "secular" India. Religion. Blah. Blah. Is it too much tounderstand Or are we just completely blind?A lot of Indians are challenged when it comes to the concept of constitutional rights.
Despite the fact that most of the 1.2 bn population believe in the age old Hindu tradition of worshiping the cows the only act of worship expressed to their deity that a lot of them engage in to support this form of religious worship is merely to consume more milk and butter and offering dried up rotis or bread to a cow in the nearby temple.
Another unavoidable fact that cannot be surpassed is the constant production and consumption of leather products.
Have we ever considered the fact that India is infact one of the largest producers and consumers of leather products? Has any one considered how brutally cows and other animals are "actually" treated in India. Lets stop making unnecessary noice and ask the real questions. Are we really a so called "peace-loving" ,non violent, people ?
India itself accounts for 23.5 per cent of global beef exports. This is up from a 20.8 per cent share last year.
This was published ironically in an article by a reputed Indian Newspaper "THE HINDU".
Although the Indian argument of top oficials does come back saying that Beef exported is Buffalo Beef and ofcourse has no religious implication.
But then why the "Ban on Beef' on both Buffalo and Cow meat. Still seen on Hindside ...Is Eating the meat more sinful than killing for it, Can this action qualify on a "SIN GRADIENT"...That is if one exists.
What is really the "Meat of the Matter"?
Thus......which again brings me back to the begining of my story,
On that fateful night of Sep 28 2015 at about 10 pm, Mohd Akhlaq and his family of his wife ,son and daughter were resting and spending time together post dinner when the front door of their Village home in Bisara,Dadri a predominantly hindu village was ruthlessly and violently banged on . The Angry Mob of religious extremist pushed their way in to only beat the 50year old man that is Mohd Akhlaq to his death using bricks found in the house along with his 22year old son who was brutally beaten and left to die.

As per reports it is said that a few problematic Villagers went to the Village temple and blackmailed the priest on grounds of religious guilt to anounce on his temple speaker that a slaughtered cow was lying to die near Mohd Akhlaqs house. Yet again totally based on hearsay and on "Rumour" it was also said that the 50 year old man was seen carrying Meat in a bag and walking by the area where the cow was slaughtered.
Sajda said the announcement allegedly made by the temple was not even finished when the mob reached her house. “ A few minutes before they reached the house, there was a temple announcement alleging we had killed a cow. We did not know what the announcement was about. Before the announcement was finished, they reached our house and broke down the doors. They shouted abuses at us and alleged that we had beef in the house,” she said.
The family, which has been living in Bisara for generations, never felt any communal tension in the past.
But the core of the matter is ..What really led to Mohd Akhlaqs death?...Village Gossip?...There’s an old saying about a falling tree which has haunted many a
physicists and philosophers alike: “If a tree falls in a forest, and there’s no one to hear it, does it make a noise?” Similarly, if an incident occurs, and no one is offended and outraged about it, is it deemed to have occurred at all?
Food for thought...What is really the tolerance levels of this Mega Nation? or must it be put as Ignorance levels?...What is really the Sin here? eating it or Killing for it?..What is more Grave to the Country as a Nation...the capacity to overide,overlook, or conviniently overcome..?
See you around Folks..
Keep Steeming..:))

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