Do you think of a year as a circle?

Whenever I think about time, I have a way of visualizing it in my head.

One year is like a circle for me. If you say to me something is gonna happen in January, then I sort of put that event on that circle. I hear that a lot of people are like me, but for some reason my circle goes counter-clockwise. That's different from what most people tell me their year looks like.

I think 50 % of envisioning-the-year-as-a-circle people have winter on top and the other half have winter on the bottom. Or does anyone have winter on one of the sides?

January 15th is the top of my circle, and July 15th is bottom. This is how I have drawn it:

It took many years before I consciously considered the fact that I do envision the year as a circle, and I for me it was obvious that everybody else also envisioned the year as this. But I think I'm an odd case.

So what about your year. Circular? Clockwise? Winter on top?

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