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Harvest App is life altering

Today, I got a meta-mask for EtherDelta, and I also got a Harvest chrome extension. As any techy could tell you, both of these items live at the top of your browser. Meta-mask is a online wallet that holds your crypto-currency, and Harvest is a time tracking application.

Screenshot of MetaMask

Screenshot from 2017-12-04 23-19-01.png

Screenshot of Harvest
Screenshot from 2017-12-04 23-20-49.png

Today was my first day using both products side by side. And associating time, with money, has been a valuable lesson. You always hear "time is money", but actually seeing the numbers and associating 20 minutes, with 20 dollars, really cements the idea of the old motto.

When you work on a pc all day, a five minute facebook check can turn into HOURS of wasted time. I dont think its a character issue either, I think thats the way these apps are built. To consume as much of your time as possible.

Now that Im tracking my time next to my money, I think to myself, "would I spend 20 dollars to browse a facebook feed?"

So why would I spend 20 minutes?!

I thought I'd share this minor revelation with the community in hopes that someone else will be able to view spending time, and spending money, synergistically .