[TIC-80 Games] Sandbox

TIC-80 Games is a post series where I review TIC-80 games I play. You can read more about the fantasy computer in this post. and see my latest reviews on the tag #tic80games!


Sandbox is a 2D sand box with few. It's created by Potato Imaginator and he asked me to Review it for him.

The first thing I noticed when starting the game is that it doesn't tell you anything. Usually there would be some instructions in the description but there isn't any and Sandbox expects you to explore what each option does by yourself.


The field compromises of 30x15 squares (plus two rows above for the menu.) Each square can hold the main character (the red arrow,) a direction changing arrow or a portal. Clicking and holding a square is used to move its content to another square.

There are menu at the top which can be used to manipulate the field. Play button, makes the main character move in the direction it faces. Next is the delete button which allows you to delete a square fron the field. Move button, allows you to put direction changing arrows which manipulate where the main character moves. And finally the Portal button which creates portals. You have to create an 'out' portal for each 'in' portal for it to work.

Portals at work!

Really, there isn't much to do with this Sandbox. With its current state Sandbox doesn't feel finished. It's not a game but I'd like it if there were more options like obstacles for example. A way to change the colors of any square you want will be appreciated too. I don't know but having more options could make the experience more fun.

Adding levels and goals to it could make it feel like a puzzle game and I think it'll be enjoyable with the portals mechanic!


First image uses the game's cover image from itch.io. The other images are screenshots taken by me.
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