RE: Future of 3Speak's Upvoting Habits!

Hello dear @threespeak
As far as I understand, all users try to give their best. Shortcomings occur in everyone. Therefore, it becomes difficult to determine what should be the standard for quality content.
Getting comments is easy for a popular user. At the same time, it is very difficult for a new user to get a comment. Because most people visit them on posts with which they are familiar or you can say that people do not like to watch videos of new users. Do not even watch videos to comment. Most comments are made by looking at the text and title. Therefore, it should also be noted that the comments that are made should be made by watching the video so that all users, big and small, get the same opportunity. If some new users are doing something good, then that too can be seen by the people. If we do like this definitely we are encouraging new users to do good.
I think this is really good initial...


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