RE: On revisiting old books

The best books are the books you always go back to. I have books I have read five, six and seven times or more. If a book it’s not worth a second reading, then it’s not worthy of your time. And it is true what you say that you don’t always have to stop to look for a new word, but you also have to keep in mind that those new words will surprise you with their meanings and will enrich your vocabulary. I always read a book, whether it’s fiction or not, with a sturdy dictionary next to me; and, while it is true that I don’t always look for a new word every time I always end up looking for at least one new word. Give the dictionary a chance, you’ll be surprised with what you’ll find there. I liked this post and if you like to read books I recommend you to check my most recent post about books here: @thereadingman/5-amazing-books-i-hope. Take care.

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