Tips from uncle G-dog - Build your hive brand with ease!

So you're on hive and want to build your account, gain followers and see that hive-wallet start to tick over huh? Great, we're glad to have you here! It's a fantastic community where you can explore your creative side, learn things about other people and places and also meet some really nice people. Here, you can have a lot of fun and get paid to do so!

Sounds great right?

It's easy too...Just post something and the cash will roll in...

...Erm...Actually no, it won't.

It actually takes effort to build here, not huge amounts, but certainly some is required. I'm here to give you a few tips based on my own experiences over the last three years and whilst I'm not a massive account, feel qualified to offer a few ideas to you new, and not-so-new, people who want to build something here. If you don't want to build your account just ignore them.

These tips are not in any particular order but if applied holistically, that means all together, and consistently I will *guarantee your account will grow. So, settle in for some uncle G-dog dot-points y'all!

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Engage and join the @abh12345 ENGAGEMENT LEAGUE

This is very important which is why it is first. If you do nothing else do this, a lot.

Engagement puts you on the radar and allows other accounts to see you around the community, commenting and getting involved. This is the single most important thing you can do, and the most powerful.

An example? Over the last few weeks I've gained around 100 followers and I asked about 60% of them why they followed me.

Every single one of them told me it was because I commented on their posts, and continued to comment. Yep, I engaged! See what I mean?

  • Read other peoples posts
  • Comment with relevance and interest
  • Avoid one-word comments
  • Show passion and personality
  • Set a goal of 15-20 outbound comments a day
  • Follow up and continue to comment moving forward


  • You don't need to do anything but join as @abh12345 does all the work
  • It tracks your weekly engagement numbers like comments made, people you commented on, how many characters you wrote, how many votes you handed out and accounts you voted on
  • You have to do no work at all, except engage, yep, I'm saying this again

Below is what the table looks like and you can see last weeks results shown. the dot-point list explains the metrics tracked. A quick look at last weeks results will show you what other people are doing as far as engagement numbers and will demonstrate what it takes to get into the upper levels.

  • Posts (P)
  • Comments - number of (C)
  • Number of people spoken to (PS)
  • Comments - replies to replies - depth > 2 (C R)
  • Comments - length in characters (C L)
  • Witness votes (W) (for those voting via proxy, your total is always 30)
  • Up-votes to others (V)
  • Up-votes to different authors (U V)
  • Self-votes - No minus score but no bonus HIVE(S V)

The engagement league is the easiest way on the blockchain to track your numbers and knowing what you did last week will help you aim for better next week. It's pretty simple. But there's more y'all.

Being in the engagement league means you'll be putting yourself amongst some of the most prolific engagers on the blockchain. See the names on that list above? That's them. And trust me, you want to be there!

Why? Because people see your name there and it registers with them. They are like who? I better go check out @so-and-so and see who they are. Boom, you have a chance to engage with someone new! Do you get it?

All you have to do to join the engagement league is comment in the last EL post which you can find right here. Just comment like this:

Hey, uncle G-dog reckons I should join the EL..Can you add me please Asher?

You can leave the uncle G-dog part out if you like.

You will be included and you can start tracking your numbers. The weekly EL post comes out on Sunday each week.

Want more? Keep reading for a few do, and do not do, items.

Here's a few random tips that I feel are important to getting things moving here on hive, to build your brand, which in turn will see you build your account. I'll dot-point them to make it easy.

  • Engage with others on their posts...I know I said this above but it's that important ok? Do it!
  • Apply passion, personality and effort to your own posts. Don't just post a single picture with no words, you want people who go to your blog to have something interesting to see. They don't need to be as long as my posts are, but give us something to engage with.
  • Post about what you like, know and are interested in - People will see through it if you don't, and will click away. Sure, branch out and experiment, but if you're not a rocket scientist don't pretend to be.
  • If someone comments on your post don't just write "thanks" in reply. That ends any chance for you to engage with them further. If you do that to me I never come back. Ever. Why would I bother? You have just lost a chance to engage with me and possibly get a follow, or at least someone who will vote on you.
  • Don't ever ask for votes or follows. Ever. Like, ever. Savvy?
  • Don't consistently tag users into your posts you don't really know or don't have relationships with...It's annoying and will only serve to isolate you. Just engage with them on their posts and they will see you, I promise.
  • Ask questions so that you can learn your way around. Many do this with me, on my posts and on Discord. I don't mind, and neither will other more established accounts. This also works nicely when engaging with people...Asking questions, showing interest in them and their interests will help keep them engaged with you.
  • Don't plagiarise text or photos. Seriously, it sticks out like a sore thumb, especially when people who don't hold english as their first language do it. You'll get downvoted and put on a blacklist and once there...Well, it's pretty hard to come back from it.
  • Don't try and be the smartest person in the room. You're not. Trust me. There's always someone smarter, and needing to be right all the time isn't a very good way to endear yourself to other people. They'll just move on.
  • Be consistent. Don't send a message or two and expect that user to be your best mate. Take the time to come back, engage on a post or two and keep the relationship solid. Nurture it.
  • Set goals for engagement like 15-20 comments per day and measure your week against the actual numbers on the engagement league table on Sunday. Do not under estimate the power of goal-setting and tracking your results.
  • Look for good content on some of the curation initiatives. I curate for @curangel and @c-squared and they're a good place to start. Follow and look for what posts are being curated. Engage with those accounts and build relationships.
  • Use communities. Post in them and look for people to engage with within them. You will be amazed at what you may find and how it may work for you. Don't just post in a community because you think you may score a little upvote, post there to post amongst like-minded people! @ocd announced a while ago that they are going to start curating across all communities, and they have been doing so...So use communities. Make sure you read the rules each community sets though; Posting a bowl of soup into THE PEW community won't work so well.

Ok, so I think that's enough for now.

I invite you to ask questions in the comments and will answer them as best I can, or direct you to someone who can. I don't mind at all, and neither will they.

This is our community, a group of people all gathered together and there's room for more, for you! Each of us can find real value here, in engagement, personal enjoyment and of course monetary.

If you don't want to build your brand you can ignore all of the above, but if you're keen to grow your account for the future then you're going to need to do some of these things, if not all.

I just want to underline one point again though...ENGAGEMENT...It really is the vehicle that will allow you to build as quickly as possible, and will put you on the map.

Join the Engagement League now, right here

That is all.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

*There are no guarantee's in life, this terminology was used for effect however if you follow the points your account will definitely grow.

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