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What do you do most?

That life isn't smooth is no news to me. Infact, I don't even believe that it was meant to be. If it was, maybe it would have been.

What we have are hills and valleys, highs and lows, ups and downs, rising and falling etc. That's not even a problem to me. It only makes the ride exciting.

The roller coaster nature of life is a valid reason why we should celebrate and appreciate every bit of good that comes our way.

We shouldn't form a habit of wailing when it hurts, but never give out a hearty laugh when it is soothing.

There's evil in the world no doubt, but so is good. No one thrives in this life without benefiting from people's good gestures. Everyone reading this piece right now, have been a beneficiary of someone's kindness at some point. Haven't you been shown kindness before?

But some only remember the evil that was done to them, but develop amnesia to the good that was done.

Similarly we have some really nice people in our planet whose niceness isn't lauded, but everyday the terrorists, killers, kidnappers, thieves and whatnot steals our media headlines. Sometimes the media can make you believe that there is nothing in the world other than evil people and their evil deeds.

I strongly believe that if we want to see more positivity on earth we have to emit more positive energy. The world will never be positive until we bring in some real good formidable positive force.

One of the ways we can put positivity into the world, is by being louder on the good than evil.

The truth is people get attracted to what they keep on seeing and they consistently hear. If we keep screaming, "evil, evil, evil", while we keep mute to all the good and beautiful things around us, we will only end up promoting evil.

We can only do what we see and hear, irrespective of our likes and dislikes.

People will likely replicate the evil they keep seeing and hearing even when they know that it is evil.

That is why we can have children who hated the abusive act of their parents and the toxic environment they grew in, growing up to not only be abusive parents but builders of toxic homes.

Didn't they realize that the condition they were bred wasn't healthy? They did of course. But the point is, that is the only model they had. That's all they know. They can't but replicate what they saw and heard. They can only do what they know. They are victims of their upbringing. And most times victims do not have the capacity of helping themselves, it is up to those who aren't victims of such situation to help them out.

Knowing what is wrong is name the same as knowing how to fix the wrong. In some cases knowing how to fix a wrong isn't equatable with the ability to fix it.

At every point in time we must be careful of what we model. Whether we know it or not we are modelling something. And that thing would either breed a positive or negative vibe.

I think we really need to ask ourselves what we are modelling. Is it gonna breed positive vibe or otherwise?

Even when we don't command much cloud and clout, there is always that one or two persons that would be influenced by either our positivity or negativity.

I'm not in anyway insinuating that we shouldn't cry when it hurts or laments when it is bleaksome, all I'm saying is that what we put more energy into says much about us.

What do you do most? Nursing a pain or treasuring the pleasurable moment.

What do you do most? Cursing the evil in the world, or contributing your little goodness.

What do you do most? Publicising all the evil deeds on earth or publishing the good and beautiful things around us?

What do you do most? ...........