The man who helped save LUV

Two weeks ago, LUV was in trouble. Since I'm back to work full time, I have less time to monitor LUV and the LUVbot that distributes LUV to the Hive community. By chance, I checked the Resources Credits (RC) for the official @LUVshares account...

only 3% RC!

The LUVbot was in danger of shutting down with only 3% RC. This meant that LUV (and love?) would not be able to be given to others. This was bad.

I took action. Some clicks were clicked and some taps were tapped. Assets were moved from there to here and to over there. Assets were traded and I eventually was able to add some Hive Power (HP) to bolster the Resource Credits (RC). (Tech is so acronymy.) In the LUV discord channel, I made an offhand comment about this situation.


Heroes emerge

There's something of a saying that goes: heroes are not born, but rather they emerge at the right time.

Hero @wesphilbin surprised me with an unsolicited delegation of HP. He'd already delegated some, I think he was the first to delegate HP to LUV, but he upped his delegation to 150 HP. This has been a real, tangible solution LUV's HP situation.

As of now, LUV has been catching on. The LUVbot has been distributing the token faster than it ever has. This is great and this is the goal. This is also a reason for upcoming changes and a slowing-down. But, this rapid issuance of LUV uses Resource Credits. Thanks to Wes, things now seem to be stabilized. :)

How to say thank you

I'd like to thank those who have delegated to @LUVshares: @wesphilbin, @thekittygirl, @jimmy.adames and @steem.leo. Your delegations help keep LUV running. Thank you. :)

Hive users...I would like to encourage anyone on Hive to participate in Wes's initiative of the "Thoughtful Daily Post." There's lots of negativity on social media. This is the opposite. This is a movement to extend positivity across social media and Hive. To participate in the Thoughtful Daily Post, the "TDP" as I'll call it, either:

  • simply include the following tag when posting: thoughtfuldailypost
  • or, post at the community page at created/hive-109288 or using your favorite Hive front end

Positive things tend to happen when you engage with people in a positive manner.

-written by @crrdlx

Like LUVshares? You can support the project through BuyMeBerries.

@LUVshares - Share the LUV.


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