New Drops: The ECB has launched MixPunks, a collection of pixel art images representing early builders of the Mixin network.


MixPunks is a collection of 250 pixel art images representing early builders of the Mixin network. A MixPunk is a piece of digital art and a new form of asset tokenization that can be bought and sold on-chain.

Minted on Mixin Network, they are the first MixPunks, each with a combination of unique attributes known as traits and include things like skin, mouth, eyes, facials, hats and more.

Owning a MixPunk makes you a unique early contributor to the Mixin ecosystem and The SocialFi community. It’s also a way to recognize the contributions of content creators who trust and share the vision web3. MixinPunks is created by The Ecole du Consensus Blockchain (ECB) and available on Trident Marketplace.

MixPunks NFT will be dropping every 2-3 days. You can log-in with any wallet and pay with any major token.

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