The Volcano Of Yellowstone

In the last year and a half, we got hit by the wave of information and news about a possible eruption of the Yellowstone volcano. And if other countries of the world lovers of catastrophes stocking up on popcorn and prepared to watch the massive and terrifying sight, then America is no laughing matter: the panic among the local population are so strong that the site owners with the seismic sensors of the volcano had to post soothing caption: Yellowstone is not exploding, everyone. Keep calm and move along. "Yellowstone doesn't explode. Stay calm". How justified are the worries of Americans and is there any likelihood that in the near future the Yellowstone Caldera going to explode?

Before to familiarize with the situation, which is observed on the Yellowstone today, let's try to understand why its possible eruption causes such strong anxiety. The fact that this giant is markedly different from ordinary volcanoes, and not only for its huge size (diameter of about 70 km), but also structure. Usually if the source of magma is located at depths greater than 100 km, and magmatic centre – 10-30 km in the Caldera of the Yellowstone figures are a little different. Magmatic hearth of the volcano lies at a depth of 8-16 km, i.e. a giant bubble of magma is separated from the surface only a relatively thin crust of the earth, which with the growth of pressure can break any minute.

According to the statements of American scientists, the explosion of the volcano is a global catastrophe that will affect not only America but also other continents of our planet. So, a Professor of geography at the University of Aberystwyth John Grattan says that the first magma to erupt through small tears in the crust, then with increasing pressure, these tears will lead to one giant tear, which will begin after the super eruption. Hundreds of cubic kilometers of lava will erupt into the air in a matter of minutes which will cause significant climate changes on earth.

Scientists at the University of Utah with an accuracy of details calculated, what happens after the eruption. Powerful the explosion will be accompanied by earthquakes up to 10 points and lava flows can reach speeds of up to several hundred km/hour. Hot lava will sweep away everything in its path, with pyroclastic flows spreading to a distance of hundreds of kilometers from the volcano, people will start to die from obsluhoval smoke and hydrogen sulfide, the ash would cover a vast area. The face of the earth will be erased States of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Iowa. The emergence of the ozone hole radiation levels on the mainland close to Chernobyl.

Serious troubles await and southern Canada, the explosion of the Yellowstone will lead to activation of many volcanoes in the Pacific ocean that will cause a giant tsunami. The waves are so high that washed away not only the coastal cities of the Pacific basin, but reach the Central parts of continents. Tons of ash ejected into the atmosphere, will close the sun, will start cold, and then there was a nuclear winter. Its duration will be from 3 to 5 years that will not let to farm and ruin many plants.

It is believed that in the first few months of cataclysm will die every third inhabitant of the planet, including hunger and lack of water that will be contaminated acidic sediments. And after the nuclear winter comes crazy the greenhouse effect. People have something to fear. But how high is the probability that the volcano will explode?

Given the cyclical eruptions of the Yellowstone, initially, the geological society of America suggested that the volcano will explode, not earlier than 20 thousand years. However, recent events have forced scholars to change their opinion. At first they said that the eruption will happen within 75 years, and now many agree that the event may occur in the coming years. From these findings? The fact that since the beginning of 2014 in Yellowstone Park have occurred many interesting events that influenced the predictions of the volcanologists:

1.The rivers and lakes of the national Park have risen significantly the temperature of the water in some places reaching a boiling point. Intensified geysers, including large, dormant until more than 100 years.
2.From January to July 2014 in Yellowstone have been over 60 aftershocks. The strongest of them with a capacity of 4.8 on the Richter scale happened on March 30. If in the beginning of 2014, the earthquake occurred at a depth of 10-30 km, now – from 5 up to 10 km On the nature of the earthquakes it can be concluded that in the Caldera there are so-called "seismic nail" – vertical shocks, which contribute to the appearance of tears and cracks.
3.In April 2014 the inhabitants of the surrounding villages began to notice that run out of the Park bison and deer, and as we know, animals are acutely aware of the imminent catastrophe.
4.As of mid-2014 the soil in the Caldera area rose by 178 centimeters. Further information about her rise carefully concealed.
5.In different parts of the Park was recorded the appearance of gas Helium-4, which usually occurs at other volcanoes shortly before the eruption.
6.In may 2015 the Caldera of the volcano seen aggressive movement of magma, indicators of seismic sensors from time to time through the roof.
7.In the first half of 2015, the seismic activity increased markedly around the world, began to erupt volcanoes in Asia, South America, the Pacific ring of fire.
There is a lot of circumstantial evidence that the eruption will be. It is known that the US government has long been preparing for impending disaster. In particular, a few years ago they went to South Africa with a request to accept refugees in case the volcano explodes. And each year for 10 years, agreed to pay the South Africans for 10 billion dollars. After the refusal of South Africa to conclude such an agreement, the Americans turned their attention to Liberia, where now the road infrastructure and entire cities.

In may 2014, with military bases in the vicinity of the volcano, were evacuated ballistic missiles. From time to time the Yellowstone Park was inexplicably closed for visits, and a web camera trained on the geyser Old Faithful, sometimes simply shut off. If we talk about the latest news, along with Yellowstone, there is activation located in California SUPERVOLCANO and long valley Caldera in February 2015 was recorded 398 aftershocks. If he starts to act, the Yellowstone will remain.

In a word, depressing picture, forcing many people of the world now to think about the consequences. So, to be or not to be the eruption? Let's wait and see...

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