Therian Is A Cult Of Cancer

If you can make it though the first minute and thirty seconds without your head exploding from the pure ignorance and stupidity you will be rewarded with a bunch of cringe lightly splattered with cancer mentality propaganda.

This was a really hard video for me to get through. Not because they are acting like retards and talking about stuff with a cult mentality but because they are not little kids. They all look to be about 17-20yrs old. How is this helping them prepare for the future? They have been supported on this bullshit for so long by their parents (and peers) that when the strings on the money are finally cut because their parents are sick of supporting them, what are they going to do? They have obviously not been learning how to survive in the wild, so they never plan on actually becoming the wolf.

How do they go home and eat dinner with their family and not realize how disassociated from reality they are?

Do we blame the parents for supporting this nonsense? Is it wrong to try to tell them they are retarded and to wake the fuck up before they are 25 and homeless on the street because they were to busy playing wolf when they should have been preparing for the real world?

By supporting stuff like this are we not becoming an enabler to them and basically doing them a disservice? We don't go around telling herrion addicts that they shouldn't listen to other people telling them to stop because it hurts their feelings. I actually see this behavior more destructive then a drug habit.

To me they are no different then a cult, be it online or not.

Helen is interested in talking to other therians about their experiences and needs help with a larger project! Email her at if you're interested in talking to her! She is the greatest woman ever and she really made this all possible.

Yeah if you want to talk to her then hit her up, she wants to talk to you all. -smh-

So if therian is a cult like I'm starting to think they are. Can we hurry up and get to the Cool'aid drinking part? :O

Also I have to say I laughed my ass off at the stupid beta cuck boy getting shown who was dominate by that chick. I guess is your already pretending to be a wolf to hang out with chicks you will also let them show your a bitch on video to have some actual contact with them. LMFAO!

I laugh but it is not funny tbh. shits fucked up.

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