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Part 2 The Crux of Our worlds Ethos

     II. The most influential (Media, Music, Movies)   The use of the media as an influence is only relatively new although the first newspaper was said to of been printed in Rome 59BC, it wasn’t until 1605 that a weekly paper was printed in the Holy Roman Empire (Strasbourg, France). It has only been in the last 100 years that we have seen the dramatic technological implementation  of wide spread and large corporation media. 

Mainstream media is a business driven corrupt organisation that feeds and controls the information that the people in control of it want society to know or want them to believe. Fox News and network is without a doubt the worst offender. They constantly push corporation’s agendas as well as the governments. News is in large parts fictional or orchestrated on these networks.

       Movies - we all love to watch movies in general and over the past 50 years directors & screen writers have been able to incorporate amazing scenes & stories into their scripts through the use of computer graphics and technology.  Entertaining people with genres of comedies, dramas, thrillers, horror, romance, action, sci-fi, animation and others gives everyone a choice to be able to enjoy a 1, 2 or 3 hour escape from reality. What if watching a movie had a lasting effect on an individual’s attitude & behaviour.  This would allow the persons mind to become more accepting and could desensitise them to entertain alternative, violent, sexual or negative thoughts without thinking it is unacceptable behaviour to have instilled for themselves and society.  

On the whole this would and no doubt is a fact society in general is faced with today. One example is war, from when any one living today would remember there have always been wars. And for as long as movies have been around the studios have made movies depicting war and the people that fight in wars for the governments that implement them.  What do you think of war? Probably you don’t agree or maybe you do agree with being involved in war for our freedom right! One thing’s for sure our opinion about war is somewhat influenced as we remember the heroes that emerge from the movies, the real life courage and that the ‘good guys won’ or so were told. Let’s take the 2008 Hollywood movie ‘The Hurt Locker’.  The opening line is ‘War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning’. What do you think when you read this? 

Chances are your sub-conscious will take it in more as it is said to constitute 92% of your minds thinking processes.   The conscious mind is logical. It has the ability to think, think abstractly, reason, criticize, analyse, judge, choose, select, discriminate, plan, invent and compose, use hindsight and foresight. It uses both deductive and inductive reasoning. Your conscious mind, for the most part, filters the impact of input to the subconscious mind. Everything gets into the subconscious mind, but the conscious mind can influence the effect, or power, it has over the subconscious mind. Think of it as the gatekeeper to your mind, that is if has not gone on a coffee break!    The conscious mind does not begin to develop until the age of three and it is not fully developed until about the age of 20. We did not have this filter during our critical, early formative years. Thus, we have a lot of garbage in our subconscious mind that is counterproductive to our health, peace of mind, and productivity. The subconscious mind, conversely, is not logical; it is the feeling mind. It is the source of love, hatred, anguish, fear, jealousy, sadness, anger, joy, desire, etc. When we say, “I feel...” the source of the feeling is the subconscious mind. Think of an extreme example, such as rage. A person expressing deep rage exhibits strong emotion, superior strength, is highly illogical, and has poor (conscious) recollection of his or her carrying on afterward.  The opening line from the movie tells us that for the reason of certain persuasive humans, war is necessary for our lives to have meaning. How ridiculous that truly is. Never the less war continues.   

Many movies also depict the ideals of certain groups and people that seek to defile society and the goodness within it. This is a most important issue with the younger generations as they as stated above have yet to complete the development of the conscious mind. These people initiating such films generally are with great financial backing ability outside and within management of studios and/or of the screen actors themselves.  As people look up to movie stars and some even idolize them this enables them to be used to manipulate society and its values in a broad spectrum by the corrupt individuals and groups that finance the screenplays.   

There have been many well known actors that have gone public about these people oppressing and abusing them for the simple fact they believe they own them as they signed a contract. Some of these actors are Rosanne Bar, Randy Quaid, comedian Kat Williams, Dave Chappelle, Charlie Sheen, Bill Cosby and many others. You will note that at the time actors like these publically out the group of people involved, their careers are no more and they are no longer favorable in the eyes of the media.  This is not to say that some had not turned to other mechanisms to cope with the pressures placed upon them. This in turn can be used against them such as in Charlie Sheen’s case where drug use and confusing talk were apparent, but this ultimately detracts from the underlying reason they went off the rails so to speak, of course this is not true in all cases we would assume. Without giving the conspirators the time of day, it is important that society is aware of what is intended and is forced upon them; some links below will give quick reference to the way they operate.    

This may be difficult to believe or take in, but we must remember that people doing evil deeds in this world are not new ideals. In no way are these people to be feared, they are merely corrupt. It is sad for the ‘stars’ as they sign themselves away to gain fortune and fame and soon find out that it truly was not worth the sales pitch or drive for such things in this world. As is said in literature which is something the world in general struggles to comprehend with today.           

Movies like ‘Eyes wide shut’, ‘The Divinci Code’, ‘Nineteen Eighty Four’, are examples of these ideals hidden in plain sight to sell their agenda to society and desensitize our minds to certain immoral thoughts and practices. At large we would not contemplate that these stories would be even remotely true or possible; as that’s right ‘it’s just a movie’. Would you say it is not possible that movie studios could use their stories to influence people’s minds for the acceptance of an altered societal system? This would largely incorporate society’s spiritual belief & value models and the way the monetary system operates and is controlled.    

The mind is unbelievably perplexing; to illustrate how it can be altered without our input, one has to think how it is possible for a person to hypnotize another.  It is much easier to not think about things of such nature & continue living our lives the way we do and to a degree that is true, but what if it really did matter and we were not to ignore the poor influences pushed on us via the media. After all we as the public do not choose what is fed to us, we can only choose not to believe or take notice.   

Here is a list of some movies that we just think of as ‘a good story’ or ‘imaginative’ that may well be used to condition our minds to accept such events occurring. This may well sound outrageous but do we forget so quickly what happened in the 1940’s or what is indeed happening in present day with the uprising of groups/governments wanting to dominate and control the population.    

THE MATRIX A computer hacker escapes his illusionary world and discovers the hidden forces concealing humanity’s true purpose. (2009)   

V FOR VENDETTA A subject of a government experiment gone wrong takes revenge on the tyrannical establishment which created him. (2008)   

THE DEVIL’S ADVOCATE A small town attorney seizes the chance of a lifetime only to discover that the price might be more than he bargained for. (1997)   

THEY LIVE An out-of-luck man’s world rapidly changes after he discovers a pair of sunglasses enabling him to see the true rulers of the world. (1988)   

STAR WARS An ambitious politician initiates an intergalactic war in order to consolidate his power and install a universal dictatorship.   

EQUILIBRIUM Under the pretense of stopping world war, a dictatorship uses drugs which completely suppress emotions to control its population. (2002) The use of subliminal programming is most disturbing and just despicable in children’s movies and shows. We will outline Disney ‘YES’ Disney, who would of thought this well known studio is evil to the core as it is seen as good friendly viewing for children. This has been happening for a long time. Acknowledging that the story lines generally have evil or immoral characters depicted there are other blatant additions to the animations and film. 

Have you ever wondered why they call TV shows programs?   For example the movie Aladdin repeatedly shows satanic hand symbols.  

At this point in the movie, the villain is heard to say ‘good teenagers, take off your clothes’ in the background, this is subliminal. Whether kids take this in or not who knows but the issue is that it occurred in a children’s movie.    

In the more recent movie Maleficent the main character played by Angelina Jolie is quite obviously a devious being; this is because she is portraying a satanic idol.  

There is so much material put out by Disney that is blatantly hidden in plain sight it truly is disgusting seeing it is aimed at children, the worlds next generations. Is it any wonder more and more terrible and evil things are happening to and being carried out by children and then we haven’t even taken video games into account either?     

Comments below for Open thoughts and whether you can see the deception for yourself ..

Part 3 To Follow