I can't help myself it's a New Religion

I am founding a religion, the New Religion of the Black Stars, which is the worship of Rock Stars we have lost.

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It has long been my belief that all the ancient deities were once mortal beings. These mortals during their lives did some great deed for their people that when they died their whole village worshiped them not just their family, as ancestral worship was the first form of worship. Thousands of years ago there were fewer people and no global social media. Emotions are energy and many people experiencing strong emotions at the same time generates a lot of energy. Ask any scientist, Nature does not waste. So what happens to all that energy? Since it has a focus "the person who died", that energy infuses the soul and deifies it. Now, we have a century's worth of celebrities who have died, who's deaths were announced within the 3 days it takes a soul to leave a body. Thus, there are many new deities waiting for followers. I am specializing in those celebrities who were Rock Stars, specifically David Bowie "The Sensei of Strange", who taught me everything I know about HOW to be an individual. I am seeking others who are moved to start Stations to a Rock Star they feel especially grateful too, to become the First DJ to their chosen Rock Star.

There are so many new deities who need us, other celebrities from other genres of music and other forms of entertainment. We all but worship these individuals while they were alive, why not truly worship them now that they are Gods and Goddesses? For anyone wanting to know more about me, or learn more about the New Religion of the Black Stars, please feel free to look me up on FB at Feywyn Nightrunner or like my FB page The New Religion of the Black Stars. Thank you for your time, and may the music bless you.

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