Medicinal Food Preservation: CBD Infused Hot Sauce

Some time ago I've made CBD infused edible oil and today I've decided to use it in preparing hot sauce. I've made so much of it because we will use it the whole winter and its a great medicinal food.


I can't believe my peppers, tomatoes and hot peppers survived that long. Slowly I will need to pick up the rest of them.



Ingredients for CBD oil:

  • 100 g of fresh CBD flowers (or 20 g of dried flowers)
  • 200 ml of olive oil


  1. First step to this recipe is decarboxylation which just means heating up the plant material up to certain degree in order to activate the medical compounds, which is in this case CBD, which decarbs at the temperature between 130- 135°C. As the temperature needs to be accurate we would need to use a cooking thermometer.
    Cut or grind flower material. For that you can use scissors, herb grinder or food processor.
  2. Place it on a baking tray and put it in the oven at 130°C for 40 minutes. Watch out for the temperature not to rise over 135°C, while enjoying the herb smell coming out of the oven.
  3. After 40 minutes, take it out of the oven. Flowers will get nicely dried and at this point you can even grind it more.
  4. Mix it with olive oil and place in a double boiler. Cook for 6 hours, strain it through a cheesecloth and the CBD infused oil is ready to use.


Ingredients for CBD infused hot sauce:

  • 400 g of chilies, habaneros and jalapeños
  • 3 onions
  • 1 kg of red peppers
  • 500 g of green peppers
  • 200 g of carrots
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • 2 kg of tomatos
  • 50 ml of olive oil
  • 1 l of aromatised white wine vinegar
  • 3 l of water
  • 50 ml CBD infused oil
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar
  • 8 tablespoons of salt
  • a bunch of fresh herbs: parsley thyme, celery leaves, rosemary, oregano



  1. Dice chilies, habaneros and jalapeños, onion and bell pepper. If you like your sauce very hot keep the seeds and the core (also the green part), which are the spiciest part of a hot pepper.
    Clean the seeds and the cores of green and red peppers and roughly chop them. Peel and cut the carrots.
  2. Heat up olive oil and caramelise the onion.
    Add hot peppers, green and red peppers and carrots and roast on medium heat for 10-20 minutes (depends on the size of the pot and the amount of vegetables).
  3. Add crushed garlic and diced tomatoes. Cook for another 20 minutes, on low heat, with a lid on and stir occasionally.
  4. Add vinegar, water, CBD infused oil, salt and sugar and boil on low heat for another 20 minutes, with a lid on, stirring occasionally. Add fresh herbs.
  5. While waiting, heat up the oven on 120 ⁰C and put in clean bottles or jars. To get them sterilized, they need to stay in the oven for at least 10 minutes. You can also sterilize them in a dishwasher.
  6. Transfer your hot sauce into a food processor and blend it well. Sip it through cheese cloth or a sieve and boil it up again.
  7. Pour your hot sauce in hot bottles, close them and put it back in the oven for 40 minutes at 200⁰C, or boil them in a water bath for 40 minutes. Cool it down slowly, I cover them in blankets for that.
  8. Keep it in a cold and dark place (in the pantry or a basement).
    This hot sauce will stay good for up to two years, if processed and stored in a right way.


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