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"The Embarrassing Challenge" Let's Have fun Sharing Embarrassing Hilarious Situations !

 Yesterday, I talked to @rebeccaryan about creating a new challenge as a way to have fun sharing embarrassing situations with our great Steemit community. She encouraged me to do this and offered me her support. I believe these kinds of challenges will make Steemians more united and that it they will inspire more cooperation among us as it brings us together to share a laugh or two. The challenge is called "The Embarrassing Challenge". 

  Your Participation IS Highly Appreciated And Will Be Worth Making An Effort.
We want you to help us spread humour and some hilarious fun liberally around the Steemit blockchain.  

Your efforts will be recognized by our upvotes on your posts and on comments that we feel add to the discussion that each post generates. 

 Please give us an opportunity to upvote your work by sharing your embarrassing stories, in under 400 words or less, with us. (We know that everyone will be able to relate to this because we’ve all been through embarrassing moments, at some point in our lives.)

For those that want to participate, we'd like you to use the following tags:  





The 5th tag is yours to choose.  

We'd also like you to incorporate "The Embarrassing Challenge" into your story's title and include a link to your story as a comment to this post or to @rebbeccaryan’s or @natureofbeing’s “embarrassing challenge posts”. This will make the process a little easier for us to find your submission to this challenge.  



My two friends and I went on a holiday last summer. We traveled to Alexandria and spent only four days, but it was an amazing trip. We enjoyed every moment of it and when the holiday was over, we decided to return back to Cairo so that we could collected our things, and prepare our bags before we went to the train station. Everything was fine until we reached the station.
We spent all the money we had and only had enough left to buy the train tickets we needed. All of our money for our tickets was in my friend's wallet, for safe keeping. We reached the train station late, so we had to buy the tickets for the train ride, on the train after we had already taken our seats. 

Then the Conductor came to ask for our tickets. My friend put his hand in his pocket to take his wallet out and pay for our tickets. To our surprise and horror, he didn't find his wallet!



This came as an awful surprise. We looked at each other and we didn't know what to say. Our faces went red and we all started to blush and feel incredibly embarrassed.


 The Conductor got mad at us. He said "What! Are you crazy for getting into first class with no money! Are you kidding!!"  We reacted like a cat got our tongues. We couldn't say anything. Then, he left us and went to check on the other passengers. When he came back to us again, he was convinced that we were trying to “con” him out of paying for our tickets with our story of losing our money. We spent the whole train ride convincing him that we were telling him the truth and feeling embarrassed by our situation. It was a terribly embarrassing and to date, the most embarrassed that I've ever felt.  

The Conductor finely forgave us and let us ride on the train without being fined or charged.