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The Little Voice #day 1

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Photo by Steinar Engeland on Unsplash

It's quite daunting getting started here at Steemit.

My first post generated a number of comments but I'm not sure how many of the people who commented actually read my introduction post, They seemed far more interested in getting me to join their groups and check out this and that.

Now, I'm all for joining in and getting to know people but...

First, I have to get into the swing of writing here.

I've taken a look around, quietly observing, reading a few helpful posts that were linked to on the Welcome page. By now, I feel I should have a plan. I should be working on how to build my following.

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Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

But I'm not too fond of shoulds. You can get kinda bombed out by shoulding. So, instead I'm going to get on here and share with no plan.

I'll write and build up my writing muscle by spending some time each morning here and letting myself loose to the stream of consciousness.

At the moment, I feel like I'm just dipping my toes. Testing the waters while I get used to this new crazy place that is steemit.

I will write for myself. That way, when I don't get any comments or people stopping by I won't mind so much. After all, with so much choice of what to read, it is unlikely there will be too many stopping by for my little missive.

And as you can see, my writing isn't directed, giving you advice or teaching you anything. It is a little rambling piece and possibly a tad self-centered.

That's okay though, as I'm following Julia Cameron's book, 'The Artist's Way, and allowing my little voice to strengthen. When you are at the start of something, sometimes a toe dip can lead to diving into the unknown.

There is something magical about allowing yourself the freedom of just doing. No plans. No care about what it might bring. You are just writing for the sheer pleasure of allowing your little voice an opportunity to express itself.

Amazingly, the pressure I was feeling just before I began to write is lifting. I am believing my words. I am writing for myself. There is nothing here I mind to share. I am happy for you to join me but...

Let's be honest, the likelihood of my posts becoming ones that rank highly, get upvoted and therefore paid huge amounts is very unlikely.

I know that's the attraction of being here at steemit. It would be amazing to be paid for writing. But, I guess then I'd have to have a plan. I'd have to turn this into a job. I'd have to spend hours and hours devoted to it. I'd have to become driven.

And, I just don't have the time for all that.

I have the time for pleasure though. I have the time to build up my writing muscle and write morning pages that meander around in no particular direction. That waffle. I'm good at waffling.

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Photo by Jen P. on Unsplash

It might also be the case that a plan emerges quite naturally. A direction may appear. But not today.

Today is about taking the plunge and writing for the sake of writing. Today is for me and my little voice.

If you hear her, she'd be delighted if you commented. Maybe you too have found your way to steemit and are at the start of your journey. Maybe you have a plan. Maybe you don't. Either way, know that the person you are here for right at the start is looking at a screen and finding their words.

Everyone has to start somewhere.