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THANK YOU FOR BEING @quinneaker - You're a Real Life Superhero!!!

Happy Birthday, @quinneaker!!!!! 

I am SO glad you exist!!

You saved my life.

There aren't enough blocks on the blockchain to hold my gratitude. 

How do I put something so profound into words?? 

If only I had a steem dollar for every joyful tear I've cried in THANKS FOR BEING, @quinneaker!! 

You blew the lid off what I thought was humanly possible.

I know some good people, but I've never known anyone SO considerate, responsible, and honorable as you. 

I've never known anyone so dedicated to making a POSITIVE impact with their life.

Giving Away Tens of Thousands of Free Meals A Year Is Our LIFESTYLE, Not Just a Holiday Observance!

It is AWESOME to witness the results of your dedication - millions of free meals fed, tons and tons and tons of trash saved from the landfill, TENS OF THOUSANDS of people given a home, inspired, healed, improved.

It is AWESOME to see you give the same consideration to billionaires and CEOs as you do to homeless people and drug addicts - you are connected, aware, and present for every person I have ever seen you interact with.

It is AWESOME to witness you treat your children with such great respect and competency. They are incredible, shining beings! 

It is AWESOME to learn from you.

You show me how to be a better person. 

One of my biggest motivations in helping others is to pay forward how you have helped me. 💛


Photos by the one & only @everlove
gif by

Play the Thank You For Being game too!

💛 Sara!