Be thankful

Whoever we are now and wherever we are, we should not forget to always be grateful for all the things God has given us, because life will be very bland without any gratitude in your heart.

Because beautiful life is not because God has blessed everything we want, but when God's grace is always received with gratitude, no matter whether the gift is good or bad.

So, don't forget to be grateful, dear friends, no matter whether we are in good condition or even in a very bad condition, we must always be able to teach the heart to be grateful.

Be thankful for all His gifts, good and bad that have become His decrees, because whatever they are must be the best for us.

No need to think too much of a variety, if at the end it will only protest against God, it is better to submit your heart with as much gratitude as possible.

Just believe in God with a sincere heart, so that there is no way we are not grateful.

Receive everything that has become His power, and accept gracefully His ordinances without asking why and for what all that God presents in our lives.

Because the more we ask, the more opportunities for us to protest His destiny, so that complaining will be very easy for us to do.

just believe that every thing that is written by him is the best for us, and certainly will always bring us to the goodness of extraordinary life.

None of God's plans that God has assembled for us does not end in goodness, even though the plan that God has faced us is very bad.
Give thanks as much as possible and as often as possible to God, so that every thing that God has assigned us is not easy to complain about.

Because in any situation and condition our gratitude will not make any difference, when we are able to believe everything that has become His decree with full patience and sincerity.

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