RE: Would I Do It Again? Tesla Model 3 - One Year Ownership Review

I agree with you that there is no such thing as a perfect car, and that every car has its own strengths and weaknesses. However, it sounds like you have found that the Tesla Model 3 has a lot of strengths that outweigh its weaknesses.

I am particularly interested in your comments about the car's safety features. It sounds like these features have already saved you from a couple of accidents, which is a testament to the car's design.

I also agree with you that the car's software is one of its best features. The ability to receive over-the-air updates is a huge advantage, and it means that the car will continue to improve over time.

Overall, it sounds like you are very happy with your Tesla Model 3. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this car, and I hope that your positive experience will encourage others to consider buying one.

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