Terracore Alpha is now Open!


Dear fellow citizens of HIVE,

We are thrilled to announce that our new game, TerraCore, is going into ALPHA testing! TerraCore is a post-apocalyptic world where players must mine for valuable $SCRAP in order to survive and thrive. As a citizen of TerraCore, you can upgrade your player and defend it from other players who will stop at nothing to steal your resources.

We invite you to become a citizen of TerraCore today for the special introductory price of just 10 HIVE! By claiming citizenship now, you will gain early access to the game and help us test and refine the experience before its full launch.

Please note that TerraCore is an experimental game and we appreciate your patience and feedback as we continue to develop and improve it. As beta testers, you will have the opportunity to shape the future of the game and help us create an immersive and engaging post-apocalyptic world.

To learn more about TerraCore, please visit our wiki at:
This resource contains information on gameplay mechanics, resource management, and strategies for building a thriving community in the post-apocalyptic world of TerraCore.

To play the game, please visit our website at:
There, you can claim citizenship and gain early access to the beta testing program. We appreciate your feedback and input as we continue to develop and refine the game.

If you encounter any bugs or issues while playing TerraCore, please join our Discord server at https://discord.gg/dgJU6RqMv4 and report them using the bugs channel. Your reports will help us identify and address any problems with the game, and ensure that TerraCore is the best it can be.

Thank you for your interest in TerraCore, and we look forward to seeing you in the wastelands!

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