Pepefeelsgoodman Terracore Report 12/21/23

Merry Christmas, all! Glad to be on Terracore and had a nice evening. Terracore is part of my daily routine, and I am excited to be chronicling my journey through the game and hopefully to making this another income source on the Hive blockchain.

This game has no fees! I used to play Ethereum blockchain games, and the gas fees killed me! This one is simple and has enough depth to it to be fun should I ever expand my scope.

I was able to claim over 40 SCRAP tokens after a raid. I attacked seven players and claimed the tokens. Not a bad haul for a level 2.

I am looking forward to 2024, and my strategy is once again adding to my offense and making sure to attack as many players as I can. My strategy is a bit chaotic, but it feels good man 🐸

I briefly considered adding to my defense and engineering to increase the chance I will keep my SCRAP tokens but decided against it. I will likely make a push to add to my staked stash, but that will come later. For now, this is fun and my goals have raised approximately 30-40 SCRAP tokens daily.

Have a great 🎅🐸🎮

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