Ten Days of Reflection, day Ten point five – Artificial Kaleidoscope Two

By popular demand, lol, I created this extra reflection picture on the recommendation of @madushanka. Thank you much for suggesting this be created and providing the original orchid picture from your neighbors garden @madushanka.

This rendered image was done with a bit more of a symmetrical layout. There are now six reflections of ‘Metal Kitty’ instead of five. I think the image is a bit more pleasant to look at this way and I like the way the cat seems to be sneaking in a look from each of the four corners.

I would like to animate this at some point but it does take a lot more effort. These were just a couple initial pictures that I created and there seems to be a lot of room for trying out different variations.

Artificial Kaleidoscope Purple Orchid Rendering. – click for viewing full screen

I liked this picture too but felt like it could be improved by cleaning up some of the lines made where the images come together. It didn’t feel as smooth as the other image to me.

Artificial Kaleidoscope Purple Orchid Rendering first try – click for viewing full screen

Here’s the original image that @madushanka provided to me for use:

Original Purple Orchid Picture – click for viewing full screen

Thanks for reading! Software used: Softimage XSI, and GIMP.

More about the reflection challenge can be read HERE

I nominate anyone with a desire for reflections to try out the challenge.

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