Ten Days of Reflection, day eights – Cat Figurines on Oil Drop

Several carved cat figurines sit clustered around an oil drop that has dispersed from the rain. This is a 3D rendering that I made using Softimage XSI, a rather expensive discontinued software package. You might recall the original photo of the oil drop that I took several days ago.

Silly made up conversation among the cats

Cat 1 said, “Boy this oil drop sure looks different today”

Cat 2 said, “Yes but if we don’t start using clean renewable energy and make some big changes we could be facing a civilization ending ecological disaster.”

Cat 1 said, “I don’t believe in global climate change.”

Cat 2 said, “What’s not to believe? Will you believe it if there is no more cat food in your bowl?”

Cat 1 said, “I’m tried of your alarmist rhetoric, besides I’m made of stone and don’t need to eat.”

Cat 2 said, “Well you got me there, let’s enjoy the pretty oil drop colors.”

The rest of the stone(d) cats clustered around in shear admiration of the colorful oil drop. LOL.

The Cat Figurines reflect on oil drop, rendered with Softimage. – click for viewing full screen

The cat figurine was purchased in or near Egypt by my mom. She gave it to me as a gift and I have know idea who carved it. It is made of a softer looking stone which I think is marble. I took several photos of it and created the 3D model that is shown here.

For this rendering I used an car paint emulator to add some reflective metallic looking flakes to the base color I got from taking pictures of the rock cat figurine. I also added some reflections to the ground to make it look more like a wet surface or some type of polished tile.

Thanks for reading! The picture was rendered with Softimage XSI, the background is modified by @old-guy-photos using GIMP, from an original photo that I took with my Galaxy S7.
More about the reflection challenge can be read HERE

I nominate anyone with a desire for reflections to try out the challenge.

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