Tell your story contest - My story by @ladaural

Hi steemians, I'm going to tell you my story! I hope you are encouraged to enter the contest and tell me yours!


My name is Laura and i'm 25 years old :)

Your life before steemit?

Well even if you do not believe it, there is a before and after marked precisely by this social network. Before steemit, I was studying medicine, I am in the ninth semester and my career has 12 semesters, so it takes little time to finish. As my followers know, I live in Venezuela.

This year has been characterized by a tense political situation that has been sharpened by the wonderful idea (sarcastically speaking) of making a huge change in the country's constitution, in order to perpetuate in power the ruling political party that is currently communist. That is why my university has decided to suspend activities and join in the constant protests that take place on all the streets of Venezuela.


Since the announcement by the government and the whole situation that it has generated, the truth is that I got very depressed. My career has been characterized by constant pauses because there are always problems in the country that force us to stop our activities and go to protest and sometimes I feel that time is running fast and I do not finish my studies an be able to concreting what I will do with my life.

I decided to focus more on attending the gym every day, spending quality time with my family and my boyfriend, helping the guys who protest because I don't feel particularly prepared to attend such things because there are weapons and bullets in between and that scares me, I don't want to die like that. I joined a group that is responsible for providing food and water to those who attend the protests and write messages of encouragement to continue their struggle.

How did you introduce yourself to steemit?

Just two days after my birthday, in may, my boyfriend @danielxls told me that his best friend had told him about a very innovative social network. He told me that his friend wanted to talk to me and tell me, because he knew that although I study medicine, I also work as a web editor for several years and that I love writing, which is why steemit is the perfect place for someone like me.

Who introduced you here (mention if possible)?

@hzavarce told me all about the community, also introduced me to the world of cryptocurrency and thanks to him I have been soaking more of the subject. At first I must confess that it takes me several days to open my account, because although I love writing, I do not usually do it on social networks because from my point of view, people there do not value much quality content, they publish many things that aren't interesting so I prefer to use facebook or instagram to communicate with my friends and family or find out some news.

What is the theme of your channel?

I do not have a particular subject. If I had to define it, the theme would be me. I like to post about my life, my two countries of birth and I say so because although I am Colombian by birth, I have lived in Venezuela since I was 6 years old, so both countries mean a lot to me. I have post from recipes to personal writings, photographs and more. In my channel you will find a lot of different content.

Your hobbies and interests?

Mainly write. I love reading, I will soon post recommending some books. I'm in love with cats. I like to watch movies, cook, exercise, research the latest advances in medicine, listen to music. Sometimes I go into photography and I achieve things that I like. I also like to dance and travel!


Your best and worst experiences here?

Thank God I haven't had bad experiences. I think the only one is something common and that, from my point of view, is something that I do not consider it to be a bad thing, it is part of the process that involves steemit: inspire writing a post, put the best of you, spend 3 or 4 hours writing and editing photos and you get just 1 dollar, 7 or 8 views and no one comment your post :( that's really frustrating hahaha

The best experience has been when I posted my photo for the black and white photography contest about animals. Although I did not win any of the prizes, my photo was quite accepting and gave me lots of upvote, that feeling of knowing that people like what you post is very nice. You can check my post here

Life after steemit?

As I said above, my life has changed after steemit. Now I spend every time reviewing the publications of people I follow, I interact with people from various parts of the world thanks to and my perspective on life has changed. Before, I was very closed to that I had to dedicate myself exclusively to medicine, but thanks to this social network, I have dusted my writing skills and resumed my desire to study journalism.

As everyone knows, the situation in Venezuela is very bad and this is why I am finding a way to study in another country and if my blog in steemit became very successful, I could with those rewards, be able able to pay for myself my studies. This has marked a considerable change in my life! Steemit has inspired me to see that I have the potential to venture into other things and be successful.

Thanks for reading me, I hope that I have not bored you haha

@varunsangwan thanks for creating this kind of contest!

Steem on!


Thanks for the support <3

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