How do I Stop a Telemarketing Company from Calling me Over and Over?

I am so frustrated with this completely idiotic company that somehow got my skype US number I've had for years that I setup so friends & family back home could call me.

But late last year I started getting these calls in the mddile of my night that would always be a number of times in a row. Or i'd turn on my skype in the morning to see someone had called with the same pattern.

Around the first of the year I answered one of them and this gal with an accent goes into some pitch about mail enhancement. The nerd in me was sitting there thinking what the heck do I need to enhance my emails.. for a few seconds... before I realized she was talking about MALE enhancement. I started laughing and said not sure how you got my number but I asure you everything is working fine... got 3 kids... so remove my number. She said ok I'll remove your number Sir.

So a few days go by and I start getting calls from a different number. I'm thinking great I'm now on some list. I don't know how because I've never ordered anything to do with this stuff and I never give out my number to anyone except friends. So I finally get fed up and started calling back the numbers. It was always the same message. Press 1 to talk to a representative or press 2 to opt out of calling. I press 2 so I'm good to go.

A few days later... a new number with the same calling pattern so I called back to hear the exact same message. But this time I pressed 1. I got some guy who said he was very sorry and he'd make sure my number was completely removed. And I wouldn't be bothered again.

But sure enough a few days after that... I start getting calls again. I've now gone through several people. A lot of them even started trying to sell me. I had a number of times they hung up on me. I had one lady screaming back at me as I was saying very loudly to remove me number over and over - "Yes Sir but you may have someone know that might be interested..." over and over.

I've opted in the do not call list early on and even reported them with a few of the numbers they have called me from.

I just don't get it and I'm really at wits end. I don't think I should have to change my number just because some dumb company won't quit annoying me.

Why would any company continue to call someone that will never, ever, EVER buy ANYTHING from them.I'd never buy from a company that ran such an operation even if it was something I really wanted or needed.

I can't begin to explain the number of conversations I've had with the few that will actually listen or not hang up. They can never get a supervisor and just say the company is VertigrowXL but most likely they are some sweet shop call room where the people are "hard up" to make sales at any cost.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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