Teeth whitening, is it due to rickets? (part 3)

In order to prevent rickets in children, mothers should pay attention to the following:

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers need to eat well, do not abstain, drink 1-2 cups of milk a day.

Start your baby (and his mother) in the morning when he or she is 1 month old, until he / she goes to bed. Average length of sunbathing 15-30 minutes per day, children with darker skin have to bathe longer than children with light skin.

  • Do not mix baby milk with porridge, powdered water, vegetable juice ... and especially mineral water, the high amount of minerals in these types of water will reduce the absorption of calcium.

In the child's diet always provide enough protein, especially animal protein and fat: Each bowl of baby food must add 1-2 tablespoons of cooking oil.

When teething is slow, signs of general malnutrition, such as weight loss, height and symptoms of rickets, such as poor sleepiness, or startling cry , there are people crying crying, night sweating, skull skeletal, narrow ribs, wide openings ... slow teething in children is due to rickets. Increasing the daily dietary intake of children, especially milk and dairy products, animal feed, fat ... The addition of vitamin D and calcium in the form of medications is necessary, however. directed by Doctor. Mothers are not allowed to use vitamin D on their own, as they can be poisoned by high doses or long periods of use.

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