B&W iPhone Screen Life-Hack

Did you know there’s a life-hack to avoid the excessive usage of smartphones?

iPhone screen in black and white

How to change:
It’s pretty simple, actually. All you have to do is change your screen to black and white.
In case you have an iPhone, simply go to Settings-> Accessibility-> Display Accommodations-> Color Filters.
Voila, you are back in the 50s.

Getting rid of distractions

Changing your phone to grayscale not only brings a different touch to your smartphone, but also helps your brain to keep focused. Too many different colors pumping everywhere in the screen, every time, can really mess you up. Specially if you work using a smartphone (and have an iPhone). Android users will understand me.

Not being able to change the iPhone’s internal skin is really a dictatorial behavior of apple. They are not simply keeping their style, but mainly trying to keep YOU looking at the screen, all the time. That’s why there are icons everywhere (choices, choices, choices).

Extra tip: scroll down to the last item in Accessibility, and set home button triple click for applying color filters. This way makes everything easier, in my opinion.


If you’re looking for even another to get focused, try reducing the white point of your screen 📺. Your eys will take a break from that shiny hypnosis for a while.

My recommendation would be 50% during the day and 85% at night.😊 ✌️

Usually black and white is good for reading and just to listen music.

See you next time fellow bee!

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