Do i really need that product!!? Can that product satisfy my need!!? If the answer is yes, then a new question comes up: - What brand should that product be!!?

Do i really need that product!!? Can that product satisfy my need!!? If the answer is yes, then a new question comes up: - What brand should that product be!!?

To be honest, when i choose to buy a new gadget, i look first at the company and then at the product itself. Yep, in the same way, personally have become very attached to the Samsung ecosystem and i try not to avoid it.

In general, i have always tried to choose a product based on the money i have (the quality, the reliability of the product and last but not least, the rational need). Yep, so sometimes i may have given extra money, even if the brand of the device was somehow above average. Now let's be a little serious, some products in general can offers a superficial mirage most of the time. How many of us have not experienced those moments when we did not want a better car or a newer, more efficient phone!!? ~ but reason managed to bring you down to earth!!?

I like ecosystems, everything that works in harmony in the world of technology. Yep, i've never been interested in famous brands, neither phones, laptops nor cars ~ from my point of view it matters reliability and features or those safety and comfort options. On the world wide web, we find all the product specifications and all the software gimmicks that a gadget might be capable of. Now at Tesla, even if new products appear under a brand new one on the smart phone side, from my point of view it can't be as polished as one from an old and recognized brand - like Samsung, Apple, Oppo even Huawei.

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