Technology Entry "25 Best Inventions of 2017



Time Magazine always appreciates the many products that are released every year. "25 Best Inventions" is one of them, in this list Time collects hundreds of latest inventions into 25 kinds. The form varies from food, toys, cosmetics, to technology.

In this year, Time re-released the list of best inventions. Here it is, the best technology you should know by Time Magazine.

Jibo is a robot that is basically a smart speaker like Google Home. Time judges Jibo as superior because he can display emotions to his users including a small laugh, he can also reverse body, dance, and show certain movements when talking.

This tool is not a VR, but only glasses with extraordinary ability. This device is best because it can provide a 'vision' for disabled people with blindness. High definition video will be available on this feature for anyone wearing and feel the beauty of this world.

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