Technology Present & Future

AI, Robots, VR, there are new futuristic technologies coming out and there is always something on the brink of becoming as a new breakthrough.

  • Virtual reality gaming

You game nerds out there prepare yourselves. Many gaming fans already know of the Oculus Rift which is a VR headset that plays video games. But games are only part of VR. Virtual reality technology creates the world of imagination, which is might be capable of breaking the boundaries in traditional education and learning. Children for instance learn best by doing. They shouldn’t just read about history — they should ‘be’ historians. They shouldn’t just study archaeology — they should ‘be’ archaeologists."

What I’m especially interested in is the interplay between intimate and public. A lot of the VR experiences we see are designed to be solo entertainment experiences where you're making a commitment when you put the helmet on and know you're going to be solidly entertained for a while. You settle into that experience. But for me, actually the social element is really important in V.R., and the fact that there might be other people in the room, the fact that they might be able to participate in your experience actually is really cool.

Virtual-reality technology has triggered a high-tech wave in the adult-entertainment industry in recent years. With a VR headset, viewers can be transported into a virtual universe where they can watch porn, play games, interact with a virtual partner, or enjoy virtual sex with the help of gadgets such as sex dolls. To create lifelike intimate sexual experiences in the virtual world requires a combination of visual, sensual and intellectual components, which is made possible with gadgets such as VR headsets, scents emitted from the device, and synched vibration of intimate parts.


  • Wearable electronics

There are other wearable electronics in the works that connect you to your body. We’re talking ear buds that measure heart rate, contact lenses that can measure your blood pressure. Once they work this out for consumer use, it wont’ be long until you start getting options for implants that’ll track your vitals in real time so you’ll know you’re having a heart attack before your heart does. It’s going to save lives.


  • Smart houses

We already have smart appliances such as refrigerators that will tell you when you’re low on a certain food item or an oven you can control with your smartphone. Sometime in the near future these things will be aggregated into an entire home unit that you’ll be able to control with your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

We’re talking changing the thermostat, changing the channel on TV, and getting notifications that your laundry is ready all without leaving your couch. You can preheat the oven for dinner as you leave work so it’s ready to cook when you get home. It won’t be too much longer before your house talks to you and you can talk to it.

  • Screenless displays

Screenless displays are pretty much what they sound like. Displays that display things but without a screen. Things like holograms won’t be science fiction anymore. Depends what level of extra hardware you'd be happy with. I think the general perception of an ideal hologram is one floating in ordinary air, that you can walk 360° around, and that's not any time soon, mainly because of the 'air' part. There may even be contact lenses that shoot images straight into your eye.

This won’t just be a breakthrough for entertainment mediums, but people who can’t see well will be able to enjoy things for the first time without laser eye surgery. In the future, Light Field Displays may eliminate the need for a headset or display altogether, projecting 4D images directly onto your retinas from a point of focus. As next-gen “displays” replace our TVs, iPads and phone screens, the $3 trillion consumer electronics industry will reinvent itself.

  • Robots & Artificial Intelligence will be everywhere

Cut off a flatworm’s head, and it’ll grow a new one. Cut it in half, and you’ll have two new worms. Fire some radiation at it, and it’ll repair itself. Scientists have wanted to work out the mechanisms involved for some time, but the secret has eluded them. Enter an AI coded at Tufts University, Massachusetts. By analysing and simulating countless scenarios, the computer was able to solve the mystery of the flatworm’s regeneration in just 42 hours. In the end it produced a comprehensive model of how the flatworm’s genes allow it to regenerate.

Huge strides have been made in robotics in the last ten years and more are expected to be made in the coming decade. We’re not talking fully intelligent robots (yet) but definitely ones that are stable and reliable enough to start working. We’re even seriously talking about robots performing surgery on humans while being controlled by a doctor and a technician. You can find demos of robots doing things like shooting wads of paper into trash cans or ones that pour coffee. If those are prototypes, then the finish products can’t be all that far behind.

  • 5G mobile data

Yes, I know we just now got 4G under control here in the United States and many places in the world are still stuck on 3G. Technology doesn’t stop just because we’re behind on our infrastructure. Currently 5G is in the research phase but the phrase has been increasingly tossed around. Keep in mind it only took a decade or two to go from 3G to 4G. Don’t expect it to take any longer going from 4G to 5G.


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