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Team Cook's iPhone 'Addiction'

Mark Zuckerberg took the Facebook book in the hands of the general and took it in the book 'book'. Bill Gates of Microsoft keeps away his children from the virtual world.

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But Apple Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook separated. He created a smartphone, working on a smartphone, cutting his days on a smartphone. Cook said at Apple's software manufacturers, "I thought that I lived a very systematic life. At least from the use of the device, but by the way. But my mistake broke. '

What broke his mistake? The new feature of the iPhone is through screen time. Opponents can say that this is his marketing strategy. It is, however, a little bit true. But in an interview with CNN CNN, he has said in a very serious position that his iPhone was addicted and said to be the story of rescue.

The new features of the screen-time IOS operating system will allow iPhone and iPad users to know how much time they spend on an app every day and week. You can also specify the time limit for app usage. Users get to know how many notifications a day and how often they take up the device, it can also be seen from screen time. Tim Cook said, "It's astonishing to see my iPhone usage statistics through the new benefits that I myself spend too much time on this." Cook's performer asked, which apps he used most. Cook escapes the question.

There is no reason to think that Tim Cook has taken advantage of 'Do Not Disturb' from his experience. Apple's investors have been protesting about the use of smartphones, especially among teenagers, over the use of over-the-counter smartphones. In the meeting held in January, Team Cook met with severe criticism. In addition, the current and former executives of the company have also expressed concern about the excessive use of the iPhone.

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