Want a safer home? Technology today helps you

Of course it's a bit early to say goodbye to armoured doors and windows, but it certainly seems easier to protect our home today and also cheaper.

We must therefore thank domotics, the science that studies how to improve the quality of life in the environments in which we live, which in recent years has also made giant strides in the field of safety; indeed, security is precisely the market trend to which the technology of the future is directed.

The more advanced the technologies adopted, the greater the perception of security. D-Link's Smart Home HD Starter Kit, a set that includes a wireless HD camcorder, an intelligent socket that allows you to manage connected electrical devices remotely and a motion sensor that works with any WiFi network, signals the presence of motion with instant notifications and, if connected to the socket, activates lights or other household appliances.

It is, in short, a protection system that can be personalized according to the needs, thanks to a simple App allows for example to monitor the house while we are on holiday or turn off forgotten lamps and irons on wherever we are, directly from the smartphone or tablet. With the same App, you can access the do-it-yourself installation wizard for all devices. This is a not inconsiderable detail of the cost, decidedly within reach of each portfolio.

Many companies today produce or market home monitoring devices and everyone seems to share the same dilemma: will they really be safe?

According to a study conducted by HP, 100% of analyzed devices have a high vulnerability to cybercriminal attacks.

At the moment there would be no great concern for those who already own one because, at least to date, there are no major activities on the part of malicious Internet users. However, this condition is not necessarily maintained in the future, so the industry needs to aim for greater risk awareness for the user.

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