This device will control the dream!

The founder of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab Swapnallok has found the key. It has recently been informed by the company that their scientists have been able to discover such an interactive glove, which can later be controlled independently.


A group of young scientist, Dormo, created this glove, under the leadership of MIT Master Adams Haroitz.

In this regard, scientists have said that Dorimo is able to monitor the condition of the person wearing glove, heart rate, and a slight movement of skin. When a person reaches the sleepy hypnagogia level, it will signal the sensitivity of our subconscious in sleep. Will be sent an audio message, which will affect the person's dream of sleeping.

Scientists also say, while dreaming we can understand that we are dreaming; But I can not control it. This situation is called Scientific Language. And sometimes our sleeping brain can not understand that he is in the dream world. This condition is called hypnogogia-i. Through this newly discovered dorimo glove, this hypnogaster can control the uncertain migration of the unexplained world.


MIT has said that the device is still experimental because it is very expensive. They are refreshing how they can be redeemed and ready to be used for general use.

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