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7 myths about mobile phones that we actually believe in -and the truth about them

7 myths about mobile phones that we actually believe in -.jpg

7 myths about mobile phones that we actually believe in - and the truth about them

Myth 1: "Turning down all apps saves your battery". In fact, it is the opposite. All app closure actually takes more battery in the long run, as the phone needs to work a lot more to load all data from an app when you open it just to close it again.

Myth 2: "Enabling Airplane Mode will extend your battery life". Yes, okay, it can save a little battery to have the phone in airplane mode, but not as much as we think or hope. A test was done to investigate just this and see how much battery life it actually saves. The test showed that the aircraft mode only saves about 30 minutes of battery life.

Myth 3: "You can only use the charger that came with your phone." While it is true that cheap no-name brands on charger are not so good for your phone for various reasons, you can of course use any charger as long as it fits your phone.

Myth 4: "A high number of megapixels will make your photos better". It's not the number of megapixels that affect the image quality, but they determine the size of it. The more megapixels your phone has, the greater you can then print the image resolution.

Myth 5: "You have to let the phone die completely before you load it." Given that smartphones nowadays have a lithium ion battery, it will not be affected by when the battery is charging. The battery will not get worse.

Myth 6: "You can put the phone in the freezer to save on the battery". Please do not do this! Today's mobile phone's temperature limit is between 1 and 30 ° C, so if you expose it to much more or less, you can damage the phone's battery and cause a variety of other hardware issues.

Myth 7: "You should not charge the phone at night when you sleep." As long as you use a safe and proper charger, it does not matter where or when you charge your phone. It will not be hurt by sitting in the wall for 8 hours.


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