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Product Review - Morphie Power Station


This is the story about how I won "The Dumb Ass Of The Month Award". The story does have a happy ending though.....

This past Saturday, I was on the talking on my cell phone at my house, standing at my kitchen sink. I was cooking at the same time.

A pot that I was cooking in boiled over on to the stove while I was talking. Yikes! 😲

So, I quickly told the person I was talking to on the phone to hold on. I set my phone on the counter next to my kitchen sink, and lowered the heat on the boiling pot.

When I went back to pick up the phone, Mr. DumbAss (me), dropped the phone in the kitchen sink!

The big problem is that MY KITCHEN SINK WAS FULL OF WATER! UGH!!! 🤤 DAMMIT!

Note: I'm not posting the language that I used for the sake of younger or more sensitive viewers. (Rest assured, it wasn't dammit!)

I wondered. What could that have sounded like to the person I was on the phone with?!?!

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So here I am, Saturday evening, my Samsung Galaxy S7, water logged and useless!

Thank God, I have another cell phone line that, for some reason, I kept. Probably for an emergency like this! The problem with this is that it is an old flip-phone. I felt like I digressed to the stone ages when I picked it up!

But, it was better than nothing.

At this point, I had to do something. It was Saturday evening, and I didn't have a lot of options. So I called customer service at Verizon, my cell provider.

A nice young man answered my call, and he actually spoke fluent English!! (+1)

I explained to him what happened, and asked if he had any suggestions. He asked if I would like a new Galaxy 8. He said it would add $8.00 a month to my bill.

My cell phone bill is too expensive already, so I asked him if I could get another Galaxy S7. He said yes, and my bill would stay the same (almost... it's for the next 24 months).

I asked him how soon I could get it. He said 2 business days, probably Tuesday.

I said ok.

At that point, he asked me if I would like the regular charging cord, or would I like the changing station?

Uh oh, I thought. More money!

I asked him how much is it with the charging station? He said there was no additional charge! So he asked me again if I would like the charging station?

Dude! Does a bear poop in the woods?!?!

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Of course I want the charging station! (+2)

On Monday, to my pleasant surprise, FedEx delivered my new phone bundle! (+3)

Included in the package was my new Morphie Power Station!



It has 2 USB ports so that you can charge 2 devices at once.


It has an indicator light on the side to let you know when it is fully charged.


It is 6,000 Ah, with 2.1 Amp high output charging. And a very cool aluminum finish! You can use it for backup power for a cell phone for up to 24 hours! Very cool! (+4)


All in all, I guess there is a silver lining in every cloud.

I have only used the Morphie once so far. I plugged my new Galaxy 7 into it with 15% battery life. Within 45 minutes, I was at full power. The morphie still had 3 out of 4 bars of power left. (+5)

Bottom line? It seems to be a very good product! (+6)

And great service from Verizon! (+7)

Thank you for visiting. Have a great day!

P.S. All images in this post are originals unless otherwise indicated.

Michael Stobierski
