HUAWEI is basically BACK in business and ready to FIGHT again!

Yes, I am late but this is actually a piece of good news. HUAWEI is basically back in business.

Last June 29, 2019, when I was on vacation to the Philippines, President Donald Trump said. "US companies can sell their equipment to HUAWEI."

A month ago I made a blog and video talking about the HUAWEI ban, essentially what happened was the US government Donald Trump and all that put HUAWEI on a blacklist. So, US companies which include Google, Microsoft, Intel, and Qualcomm couldn't sell to HUAWEI which left them in a bit of a tricky situation while they said that this could cost them over 30 Billion Dollars over the next 2 years and their phone sales could shrink up to 60% and considering they're second-biggest phone maker in the world and this was a huge news.

For anyone who avoids it, the idea that you may not get any new Android updates and you may lose access to Gmail, Youtube, and all of this Google Android product and services and this was the HUAWEI Phones, Laptops, and also there's a brand of Honor. There was a lot of products affected but here we are now about a month later and it looks like that have been reversed. Well, not completely. HUAWEI is still in blacklist but President Trump has directly said, US companies can sell their equipment to HUAWEI again. He said.

"Equipment, where there is no great national emergency problem with it. But, the US companies can sell their equipment."

I'm speaking personally while not everyone is a fan of HUAWEI products, I appreciate a lot of people do have security concerns and things as a technology reviewer. I think they produce some of the most innovative and some of the most exciting products that I get to review and cover every year from their piece series of phones, mate series, folding phone, the 5G stuff, etc. It's been so frustrating over the past month to have products like the P30 PRO where normally I would absolutely recommend it to people the fantastic zoom and great camera, night mode, big battery, and beautiful design and really good products! I could just no longer in good conscience recommend the same with the other series.

HUAWEI has suffered massive brand damage. We've had a whole month of headlines saying, don't buy honor phones, don't buy HUAWEI phones because they're not going to work a year and you will lose access to youtube. and the average consumer is gonna have seen that and it was big news and it's going to take a long time to repair that damage. Their sales will be hit and you may have heard that while we have been working on that own operating system in the background but of course in the last month that's gone into overdrive, apparently is gonna be called the Homeng OS, at least in China.

After you read these blogs, go and check out "Mr. who's the boss video" because he did a great video on Android OS vs HUAWEI OS. Imagine if the HUAWEI ban will continue, they develop their own OS, and think, who's stopping Oppo, Oneplus, Vivo from being next blacklist essentially and feasibly they could have all rallied around HUAWEI and maybe HONGMEN OS and we've done some damage to Google and Android and created even more fragmentation, which I'm sure Apple love to see.

With all that said, what does it actually mean for you and me? Obviously, it's impossible to say what's gonna happen tomorrow, and it may be best to let the dust settle a little bit; but I think we can now resume buying HUAWEI phones.

What do you think? Would you now be comfortable to buy a HUAWEI PRO again? For me, I would like to try the VIVIO PRO with 8GB Ram!

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